100g fresh basil 100g basil 100g mint 100 coriander 1 kg sweet potato peeled 2 kg fresh mussels 3 table spoon vegetable oil 250 ml water 3 shallots finely sliced 3 garlic cloves finely sliced 5 fresh red chillies 2 table spoon fish sauce 1 table spoon sugar 2 table spoon sweet chillie sauce 2 table spoon lime juice 1 lime cut int o 6 wadges
method: Tear the basil, mint and coriander leaves roughly and set aside. Cut the sweet potato in large chunks and cook in simmering water for 15 minutes until tender. Drain and cut into 1 cm cubes. Scrub the mussels well. Pull out the beards and discard.
Heat the oil water shallots, garlic and chillies in a heavy lidded pan and bring to the boil. Add the mussels with tong cover lightly and leaves for a minute or two shake the pan, then remove any un-opened mussels.
Add the sweet potato fish sauce sugar and sweet chillie sauce to broth. stirring add the mussels, and herbs and lime juice and toss well.