Tuna Stir Fry
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Posted by Osmund perera on April 17, 19108 at 09:27:40:

1 x 185 g can -Tuna in oil
1 x small to medium sized onion (thinly sliced)
1 x sprig curry leaves
1 x green chillie (thinly sliced)
2 x pods cardamom
1/2 tsp chillie powder
1/4 tsp tumeric powder
crushed ginger and crushed garlic to taste
1/2 cube Ikan bilis (or salt to taste)

Heat, say, 1 1/2 to 2 tsp of cooking oil in pan. Add curry leaves, onions, green chille and cardamoms, mix well and fry unitl the onions are golden brown. Add the Tuna after removing excess oil, and break up Tuna to desired size.

Crush the Ikan Bilis and add (or add the salt). Mix all the ingredients well and fry for 1 minute. Add ginger and garlic and mix well.

This is an economical, tasty dish to prepare. Preparation and cooking time is minimal and the dish is an excellent accompaniment to steamed rice or as a filling for a toasted sandwich. Best cooked on a heavy bottomed iron fry pan rather than a non stick pan.

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