Braised Beef Oxtail
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Posted by indu wansuriya on January 22, 19108 at 16:40:00:

2 teaspoon olive oil
2kg chopped beef oxtail
400g onion,cliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 taespoons ground hot paprika
2x400g cans tomatoes
60ml tomato paste
125ml dry rad wine
1 litre beef stock
2 bay leaves
360g carrots,chopped
1/4 cup chopped fresh oregano
500g frozen broad beans,thawed,peeled

Heat oil in large pan; cook oxtil. in batches, until well browned. Remove from pan.Add onion,garlic and paprika to same pan; cook stirrng until onions are soft. Return oxtil to pan with undrained crushed tomatos,paste, wine, stock, bay leaves and carrots; simmer, covered,2 hours or until oxtil is tender. Cool mixture; cover,refigerate overnight.Remove fat from surface of mixture before reheating.Stir in oregano and beans; cook stirring, until beans are heated through.

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