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Posted by nayanadevi on August 25, 19107 at 19:37:51:

2kg lean goat meat [shoulder]
Oil for frying
1 sliced onion
3 teaspns cummin seeds
1 1/2 teaspns fenugreek seeds
3cm piece cinnamon
8 whole cloves
1 tablspn crushed green ginger
4 cloves garlic [crushed]
3 desrtspns curry powder
1 tablspn paprika
1/2 teaspn chilli powder
500gms tomatoes
1 teaspn cardamon

Cut meat into small pieces. Pour enough oil into a pan to cover the base and heat well. Add the sliced onion and cook until half browned. Add the cummin, fenugreek, cinnamon and cloves. Cook gently until the onions are browned. Add ginger and crushed garlic, fry for 30 seconds. Add meat and cook until well browned. Reduce heat and cook gently for 10 minutes. Add curry powder, paprika and chilli powder. Add peeled, chopped tomatoes and stir well to combine with other ingredients. Place in an oven-proof dish. Stir in 500mls water and sprinkle cardamon over the top. Cover and simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Add more water if necessary during cooking time. Serve with boiled jasmine rice, mango chutney, cucumber mixed with natural yoghurt and puppodums.

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