goat meat casserole
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Posted by nayanadevi on August 25, 19107 at 19:33:57:

500gms capretto, cut into small pieces
25gms butter
1 large onion
250gms mushrooms
25gms flour
500mls stock or water
4 rashers bacon
1 teaspn peppercorns
1 teaspn Allspice powder

Fry the meat in butter until slightly brown. Remove from pan. Dice bacon rashers and fry with the sliced onion and mushrooms, adding a little more butter if necessary.Add the flour and cook until brown. Add stock or water and bring to the boil stirring constantly.Place the meat in a casserole dish and add the sauce. Put the peppercorns and Allspice into a muslin bag and place in casserole. Cook slowly in a pre-heated oven at 160C for 2 hours. Remove spice bag and serve.
Optional: a glass of red wine can be added to the stock before cooking if desired.

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