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Posted by Malini Jayamanne on March 19, 19107 at 09:33:47:

600grms chicken wings
5tsp dry sherry
1 table spoonginger juice 5tsp corn flour Salt& pepper
1tsp soya sauce
3tablespoon oil
2 ozs fresh ginger sliced
One big onion sliced
2 cloves&garlic sliced
1 bunch spring onions shredded
5 fluid ozs chicken stock
1tsp sesame oil
1table spoon water.

chop the chicken wings into bite size pieces then marinate with tablespoon sherry,ginger juice, corn flour,1/4 teaspoon salt and 1teaspoon soya sauce for 30 mts.

Par boil the chicken in boiling water for 2mts. And drain thoroughly.Heat2 table spoon Of oil in a frying pan and fry ginger, onion and garlic until fragrant.

Add chicken and Spring onions and stir fry for a while,springkle remaining sherry and pour in the stock.
Remaining soya oil a little sugar a pinch of pepper and sesame oil. Bring to boil reduce. The heat cover pan and simmer for 5to10mts.

Blend remaining corn flour with water. And add this to the to mixture and simmer for 2mts.Add remaining one tablespoon of oil

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