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Posted by MUTHUMALI JAYAWICKREMA on September 19, 1998 at 10:40:47

3 lb Chicken or Chicken pieces
3-4 tbs. lemon juice
6 cloves Garlic & 1 inch Ginger root - crushed together
2 tsps Salt
1 tbs. Powdered black pepper
1 tbs. Roasted Curry powder (see recipe for home made roasted curry powder )
1/2 tbs. dry red chili powder
4 Cardamoms
2 Cloves
8 Curry leaves
4 pieces Rampe
1 inch piece Cinnamon
1 medium Onion (sliced)
3 tbs Vegetable oil
2 tbs Tomato paste or sauce
1 cup thick Coconut milk or fresh milk


Wash chicken pieces and drain water thoroughly.
Add lemon juice, crushed garlic, ginger, salt, black pepper,
curry powder and red chili.
Coat the chicken pieces well with the spices and set aside
for about 1/2 hour.
Heat the oil in a saucepan.
Fry curry leaves and rampe.
Add onions and fry until soft.
Add the chicken pieces and stir for sometime.
Add cinnamon, lemon grass, cardamom, cloves and stir until well mixed.
Add tomato paste (or sauce) and stir until all pieces are well coated
(If the curry is too dry and tend to stick to the saucepan, add 1-2
cups water & stir).
Close with a lid and allow the chicken to cook on slow heat.
Add the thick coconut milk (or fresh milk) and bring to a boil
without covering.
Taste and adjust salt. Print this recipe       Email this recipe

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