Pramishka's Bolognaise Sauce
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Posted by Pramishka Vidyabhushana on May 04, 19106 at 20:57:03:

1lb/450g best minced beef
8 rashers of smoked bacon sliced and chopped
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
Level teaspoon salt
Glass of red wine
Teaspoon dried oregano
Tin of tomatoes
Large tube or half a tin of tomato puree (I use loads!)
Black pepper
Olive oil
Handful fresh basil

In a large pan, fry off the minced beef, bacon, onion and garlic in a tablespoon of olive oil. Add the wine and reduce to nothing, add the oregano, tinned tomatoes and tomato puree. I think that the tomato puree is important for flavour and it thickens the sauce. Add the salt and some freshly ground black pepper, bring it to the boil and simmer gently for a couple of hours. Add some ripped up fresh basil just before serving.

Serve the sauce with pasta and Parmesan cheese or nice strong grated cheddar. A green salad is nice with this.
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