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Posted by indu wansuriya on March 12, 19106 at 08:38:24:

2 lb[1k] lamb or pork ,cubed
enough red wine to couer meat
2 onion,quartered
2 bay leaues
to baste the souvlakia as they grill
2 tabelspoons oil
juice of 1 lemon
rigani or oregano and salt
3-4 ripe tomato, chopped
half a cucumber, chopped
some leaues of lettuce
2 tablespoons parsley,chopped

1. soak the cubed meat in the wine with the chopped onion and bay leaves for at least a couple of hours.
2. mix all the ingredients for the salad together.
3. light the barbecuc in good time so that the fiercest heat will have passed before cooking begins.
4.thread the cubes of lamb into skewrs, interspersing them with the onion and bay leaves from the marinade.
5. grill the skewers over moderate heat,turning from time to time when the meat is half cooked, brush over a mixture of oil and fresh lemon juice and sprinkle over some salt and herbs.continue basting like this until the souvlakia are ready.
6.girll the pitta bread for a few minutes befor half filling each with the cooked meat add some salad and serve a wedge of lemon with each. Print this recipe       Email this recipe

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