Black Pepper Beef Stew
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Posted by ROY WELIKALA on August 26, 19105 at 19:40:08:

Serving 6 to 8 persons.

1. One Kilo Beef (Ribeye or Tenderloin)
2. Two large Onions sliced in rings.
3. Two medium potatoes sliced 1/4" thick.
4. Four tablespoons full Vinegar
5. Four table spoons full of Course Ground Black Pepper
6. Salt to taste.
7. Curry leaves (Karapincha)
8. Four bulbs of Chopped Garlic. (Optional)

1. Slice the Beef into thin large size pieces, wash and leave to drip. Add the vinegar, Black pepper and salt leave for one hour to marinate.
2. Place skillet, Vok or deep frying pan with about 3 table spoons of cooking oil on medium heat fire.
3. Place the marinated beef into pan and gently turn over until the beef has been coated all through and sealed in the heated oil, (two minutes would do).
4. Add in the garlic, Curry leaves and sliced potatoes and let it cook until the Meat is tender. (Keep Covered while it cooks)
5, Reduce the heat and place the onion rings on top. Keep covered and let it cook for a further 3 to 5 minutes.
Serve with Rice, Bread, Hoppers, or Roty.
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