Coq au Vin ( Chicken with Red Wine- French Recipe )
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Sumudu Wanasinghe on April 17, 19104 at 06:40:49:

Ingredients (6 people)

1 Young rooster or chicken (2 kg)
Red wine (1 bottle)
Cognac (or marc) (30 g)
Bacon or small porc chops (200 g)
Butter (4 tablespoons)
Onions (2), or 10 small white onions Garlic (2 cloves)
Herbes de Provence (bouquet garni) (1 bunch)
Small mushrooms (200 g)
Flour or Ma�zena (2 tablespoons)
Salt, pepper


1.Preheat the oven to 135�C.
2.Cut the coq into pieces.
3.Cut the bacon into small chunks, removing the fat.
4.Quarter the large onions into chunks.
5.Melt the butter in a large pot. Brown the coq on all sides.
6.When the browning is started, add the onions, garlic, bacon, herbes de Provence, salt and pepper.
7.Mix until the coq is browned.
8.Warm the cognac in a small saucepan. Light the cognac and flambez the coq (pour on the burning cognac).
9.When the flames die naturally, pour in the red wine.
10.Cover the pot and bring to a boil.
11.Cook in the oven for about an hour (depending on the size).

Coq au Vin is suitable for experimentation. Variants include different herbs, or using ham chunks instead of bacon. Different methods of cooking include adding the herbs and mushrooms after the flambez step. Cooking can also be done by simmering on the stove instead of baking in the oven.

Pressure Cooker:
Cook for 25-30 minutes in the pressure cooker. Add the mushrooms and cook for another 2-3 minutes without covering.
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