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Posted by PREETHI PANDITHASEKERA on February 04, 19104 at 08:12:48:

1lb. drumsticks
1/2 lb. potatoes
1/4 lb. cadjunuts
2 ozs. butter
1 egg
onions , green chillies, curry leaves,
garlic, pepper, sweet cum-min, salt,
lime juice, and 2 tsps. of flour

Boil drumsticks and take out the pulp. Boil potatoes
and mash. Temper onions, green chillies curry leaves
and the drum-stick pulp, mashed potatoes, and the
ground garlic, sweet cummin, pepper, salt, lime juice
and flour. Remove from heat and make into balls, dip
in egg and fry.

Temper cadjunuts and keep aside. Temper rest of the
onions, green chillies, curry leaves, and add the
cutlets and cadjunuts mix well and take off fire.
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