Fresh salmon curry
Posted by Jayamalie Perera on December 07, 19103 at 17:35:16:

Cut thick slices of salmon, or any fresh fish. Mix together salt and lime or lemon and leave fish for a while. Prepare meanwhile:
1 finely chopped onion
2 tablspoons corriander
2 tbsp. black pepper
3 cloves,3 cardemums,
2-3 green chillies and mustard seeds.
garlic & fresh ginger
Grind on stone or pound all together.

Temper the fish in some oil 1-2 minutes ewach side. remove from pan. Add curry leaves, rampe, seera and the mixture and temper for a while. Add the fish. Fry/ temper fish with the spicy mixture for a few minutes. Add coconut milk and bring to boil. taste and add salt or lime to taste. Keep off store and serve with plain rice.

(the stronger you wish, add more black pepper and mustard seeds.)
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