The meaning and a brief description of my name Sisira
Find the meaning of your name
A huge collection of names and their meanings
Hammersmith & West London College - England - U.K.
--This is where I work. I joined in January 1990. A very interesting place to work. I enjoy long holidays here.
Nalanda College- Colombo - Sri Lanka
--A leading Buddhist School in Sri Lanka, I studied in this College from Grade One to G.C.E.A/L. A very big thank you to my two good friends, Old Nalandians, Janaka Yasantha Ruwanpura
for creating this page and Muditha Abhayagunawardhana for giving free web space.
University of North London
--This is where I studied Electronics & Communications Engineering, a superb place to study communications engineering in London
Engineering Council
--This is a place for engineering students
UK Colleges and Universities
--This is a place for those who want information about UK Collegesand Universities
Some useful links for those who in the Medical Field
Institute of Electronics & Electrical Incorporated Engineers
--I am a member of this Institution, again worth a visit
HTML for web design--This is a good site for those who want to design webpages
Lanka Viththi--The only Sinhala Newspaper published outside Sri Lanka. Study Computer programs free of charge - free training
Screen Savers-- You can download Screen Savers here The Computer will read the text you type in. Try this free software
Sinhala Fonts-- You can download Sinhala Fonts here
MCSE Sample Tests
Animation--Animation for your Homepage
Digital PostCard
--This is a very interesting place, you may send a picture postcard with music to your friends or loved ones all year around. Click here for more
Fax on Internet
--A very good guide - How to send faxes via internet. Also try and The Phone Company's Remote Printing Service
--Mirabilis is a site which allows you to communicate from one to one basis. You can have your personal chat or can send files & URLs.
U.K. Street Map-- This will be useful for those who want to check streets and places in the U.K.
MultiMap- U.K. Street Finder--- You can see aerial views and shortest and quickest ways to get to places
World TelephoneDirectory
Sri Lanka Telephone Directory
Sri Lankan e-mail Directory
E-mail directory--This is where you can look for e-mail addresses
How Stuff Works--This is a very good educational site for children
Currency converter---Instantly convert your currency
USA NET , Serendib Mail,,, HOT MAIL , , Looksmart ,
ROCKET MAIL , iName , Nightmail .
You can get free e-mail addresses from all above websites.
Free Homepages from GTE NET , Tripod , Xoomcom , Geocities Com , Infolanka , ,Free 50 megs for your page,
amtoid com ,, ,
Expage , Gives you 100MB space where you can upload your files and store them on their server
Freeserve AND Screaming net --Internet Connection and services absolutely Free of charge, within the U.K.
Music for Web pages
-- You can add music to your web pages. Here is another collection of Midi files, Click here for more midi files, and Backing tracks
MP3 & MIDI Files, more MIDI files
--- MP3 and MIDI files to download
Sinhala MIDI files--These MIDI files have been created by my good old Nalandian Classmate Commander. Chitraka Munindradasa (marine engineer) of Sri Lankan Navy
Free Language translater
Sinhalese--- Learn about Sinhalese Language which is the National language in Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Sinhala songs
--This site has been created by a Sri Lankan student, Lasantha.Dhammika Jaysinghe's Music page
These songs are by Anil Bharathi, and these are from Various artists,
Another collection of Sinhala Music
Please get Real Audio free of charge from here to listen to all above
My Favourite Pop Group and the Lyrics of their songs
Sanath Siriwardena's Music page
Palitha Munasinghe's Music Page
Palitha Munasinghe's Sinhala Golden Oldies
Miyuru Gee
Songs by Maestro Amaradeva
Sinhala Poetry
Palitha Munasinghe's Sinhala Songs
More Sinhala Songs
Udara Chinthaka Fonseka's Gee Mansala---- A Superb collection of
Sinhala Classics. Worth a visit here. I give 10 out of 10 for this site
Sanath Siriwardena's Music Page --- A superb collection of Sinhala, Hindi and English songs
Sinhala Juke Box
Harry Anchan's Sri Lankan Baila songs --- A superb collection of Baila
Music from all over the world
Lyrics of English Songs, Lyrics of some hits of the past, More Lyrics--- You will find words of English Songs here
The Official British Royal Website
--There aren't any gossip about Royal family here, but genuine news and history. Really useful to those who love to know about British Royal History.
There is another Un official Royal Site for those who like more details. Here is another site which contains Photographs of Royal family
Travel Guide to Sri Lanka
--This is a very useful site for those who plan to visit Sri Lanka.
A Comprehensive guide to Sri Lanka
--This is a comprehensive guide to Sri Lanka. Here is a clickable map of Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan History
What is Buddhism ?
--This is for those who would like to know about Buddhism . More about
Buddhism - A way of Life another good explaination. More from All faiths site and Encylcopedia Britanica , Ehi-Passika - Dhamma Padha ( Word of Buddha), A Guide to Buddhist Studies
The Buddhistway-- With Real Video
London Buddhist Vihara website
Thames Buddhist Vihara Website
TV India and watch Cricket live
WebCam & can see live pictures from famous places around the world
Some important news for those who keen in Broadcasting
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