Leading article |
1 5 |
recognition: the economic impact. Amala de
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and Sri Lanka. Tissa Vitarana |
Papers |
8 |
Lessons from four studies on the management of snake bite in Sri Lanka. Kolitha Sellahewa |
16 |
Adolescent pregnancies - is the outcome different ? Deepal S Weerasekera | |
18 |
Intensive care utilisation following attempted suicides through self-poisoning. R H Gunawardana, C Abeywarna | |
21 |
Fetal gender determination using ultrasound scanning. Jayantha Sirisena, Sunil Fernando | |
From the journals |
24 |
R L Jayakody |
Medical Practice |
26 |
Practical aspects of aerosol therapy in asthma (2): Metered dose inhalers and spaces. P L Ariyananda, J E Agnew |
Case Reports |
30 |
First reports of subcutaneous sparganosis in Sri Lanka. M de S Wijesundera, Neelakanthi Ratnatunga, M Priyanthi Kumarasinghe, A S Dissanaike |
33 |
Familial amyloid polyneuropathy in a Sri Lankan family. P Galappatthy, I Wijeweera, J C Wijesekara, D R R Kodikara, H C N Fonseka | |
36 |
Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction associated with varicella zoster infection and acyclovir therapy. Priyantha Herath, S A W Gunawardana | |
38 |
Findings parts of a gravid female Wuchereria bancrofti in a breast aspirate. Marian Priyanthi Kumarasinghe, Anselm Stanley Dissanaike | |
40 |
Massive hepatomegaly in multiple myeloma. A P Premawardene, L M Wijesuriya | |
42 |
Spontaneous rupture of a liver cell adenoma. Preethika Angunawela, Mohan de Silva | |
Letters |
44 |
Sexual abuse of illegally adopted children. D G H de Silva |
45 |
A case of congenital intrahepatic biliary dilation (Caroli's Disease). G N Lucas, T R S Seneviratne | |
Book review |
46 |
Food and Nutrition. V Basnayake |
Obituary |
48 |
Dr G R Handy. P Sivasubramaniam |
50 |
How to do it: Send an article to The Ceylon Medical Journal. | |
Supplement |
55 |
Meeting the challenges ahead. Deshamanya S Ramachandran |