SLMA LogoThe Ceylon

Medical Journal

Established 1887
Volume 41, No.3, September, 1996


Peripatetic editorial notes 87 Colvin Goonaratna
Leading article 90 The World Development Report on 'Investing in Health': A Sri Lankan perspective. W D Lakshman and Nimal Attanayake
Papers 96 The prevalence of neuropathic foot ulceration in Sri Lankan diabetic patients. D J S Fernando
99 Routine use of mebendazole in pregnancy. N R de Silva, K K A P Kodituwakku, S S Edirisinghe and H J de Silva
102 Ketamine as an anaesthetic agent for tubal sterilisation. Deepal Weerasekera and Kapila K Gunawardene
104 Appendicitis complicating pregnancy. A Ashmore F Attapattu, Patsy Prussia, S Jackman, C Chase, S Menon and V Boyce
From the journals 107 R L Jayakody
Picture story 109 Apical cardiomyopathy: an important differential diagnosis in ischaemic chest pain. S L Seneviratne, A P Premawardena, G W Ranasinghe, S B Gunatilake and H J de Silva
History of medicine 111 Surgery in Sri Lanka - the past. C G Uragoda
Case reports 115 Myocardial infarction in an infant due to anomalous origin of the left coronary artery. M V C de Silva, G D I de Silva and Sanath P Lamabadusuriya
118 Could sternomastoid tumour be inherited ? D G H de Silva, T S D Amarasena, A J A L Fernando and B G Nanayakkara
Letters 120 Magnesium sulphate in the management of severe tetanus averts artificial ventilation and sedation. D Attygalle
121 Child abuse: time for action. Aswini D Fernando, D G Harendra de Silva
122 A case of acquired platelet dysfunction with eosinophilia. G N Lucas and T R S Seneviratne
Drug news 1

Drug news 2

Pyronaridine: yet another promising antimalarial substance from China.

Parkinsonism: an under-recognised complication of metoclopramide use.


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