SLMA LogoThe Ceylon

Medical Journal

Established 1887
Volume 41, No.1, March, 1996


Peripatetic editorial notes 1 Colvin Goonaratna
Leading article 5 Tuberculosis and HIV infection. C G Uragoda
7 Pre-eclampsia. Mathews Mathai
Papers 10 Perinatal deaths at the Castle Street Hospital for women in 1993. G N Lucas, R C Ediriweera
13 Discrepancy between patients' food ordered and received, at a teaching hospital. D G harendra de Silva, Upeksha Liyanage, Hemali de Silva
15 The pattern of tissue damage in occupational trauma. Jochim Perera
Picture story 19 Normal pressure hydrocephalus. Saman B Gunatilake
Point ov view 21 An audit of fresh frozen plasma transfusion in intensive care patients. R H Gunawardana
22 Linking alcohol and health: irrelevant and dangerous. Saroj Jayasinghe
From the journals 23 R L Jayakody
Case reports 25 An aggressive variant of papillary carcinoma of thyroid: tall cell type. Marian Priyanthi Kumarasinghe, Sarath Kumara Kollure
Letters 28 Hydrophobia prophylaxis in dog bite. P L Ariyananda
29 Cost of insulin injection. Devaka Fernando
Obituary 31 Dr. W D Ratnavale
Book review 32 Anticoagulant rodenticides


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