SLMA LogoThe Ceylon

Medical Journal

Established 1887
Volume 41, No.2, June, 1996


Leading article 33 World Bank prescription for health. Carlo Fonseka
Papers 37 The prevalence and control of soil-transmitted nematode infections among children and women in the plantations in Sri Lanka. Eigil Sorensen, Mahroof Ismail, D K C Amarasinghe, Indira hettiarachchi and T S de C Dassenaieke
42 The efficacy of three anthelmintic drugs given in a single dose. Eigil Sorensen, Mahroof Ismail, D K C Amarasinghe and, Indira hettiarachchi
46 Antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity and erythrophagocytosis assays in Rh haemolytic disease of the newborn. Jayshree S Patil and Snehalata C Gupte
51 Primary drug resistant tuberculosis in the Central Chest Clinic, Colombo. Jeniffer perera, P N B Wijekoon and S Gamage
54 Sperm preparation and in utero insemination in the management of subfertility. T R Weerasooriya and I M R Goonewardene
57 An analysis of 5194 fine needle aspiration biopsy samples. Priyanthi Kumarasinghe
From the journals 61 R L Jayakody
Picture story 63 Splenic cyst.. Gamini Goonetilleke
Point ov view 65 Problems seen in two cases of illegal adoption. D G H de Silva, S Abeywardana, Devika Wijetunga, N Chandrasiri, Leon Senevirathna
Case reports 67 Acute myocardial infarction in a patient with Russell's viper bite. P Dissanayake and K H Sellahewa
68 M4Eo - Eosinophilic variant of acute myelomonocytic leukaemia. Ranjith J Withana, Chandima de Mel and R S Jayatillaka
71 Brain abscess caused by Nocardia asteroides. Maya Atapattu, N Amarasekera, W S L Gunasekera and U C L Hewage
Letters 73 Morgagni hernia masquerading as bronchiectasis. G N Lucas and I N A Gooneratne
74 Observation period for dogs in rabies. D G Harendra de Silva, J B L Liyange, and F D Colombage
75 Platelet satellitism - a curious phenomenon causing spurious thrombocytopaenia. Ranjith H Withana
76 Aspirin - a friend or fiend? B L J Mendis
78 Diagnosis of ectopic ureter: a high index of suspicion averts misdiagnosis. S A S Goonewardena, C Weerakkodi and W A S de Silva
Drug news 1

Drug news 2

Cyproterone acetate - indications restricted because of hepatotoxcity and possible carcinogenicity.
A hormonal contraceptive for men.
83 Information for authors, The Ceylon Medical Journal


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