SLMA LogoThe Ceylon

Medical Journal

Established 1887
Volume 41, No.4, December, 1996


Leading article 127 Prevention of coronary heart disease in Sri Lanka. Shanthi Mendis
Papers 131 Experience with flexible fibreoptic bronchoscopy. Champa Jayasundera
135 Iron absorption from a traditional Sri Lankan weaning food and the enhancing effect of ascorbic acid in adult male volunteers. C Liyanage, C Goonaratna and I Thabrew
141 Fetal hydronephrosis, a one year follow up. Manouri Senanayake and M Semmens
144 Comparison of minimum inhibitory concentration to methicillin in heterogeneous and homogenous methicillin resistant Staphyococci aureus. Nelun de Silva and Lalitha N Mendis
148 Assessment of client satisfaction in a paediatric ward. K S H de Silva and S C Dharmage
151 Home accidents in Sri Lanka - multicentre study. Dennis J Aloysius, S A Ediriweera, B Panagamuwa, V Krishnarajah and G W Karunaratna
Personal view 155 The right to die. Priyantha Herath
From the journals 157 R L Jayakody
Picture story 159 Unresolving pneumonia in a child. Look for an aspirated foreign body. G D I de Silva, Sanath P Lamabadusuriya and R Abeywickrema
Case report 160 Successful surgery after ventricular septal rupture complicating acute myocardial infarction. G R Constantine, L Dalpadadu, A H Brown, A Perera, S Narenthiran and P N Thenabadu
Medical practice 162 Practical aspects of aerosol therapy in asthma (1). P L Ariyananda and J E Agnew
Letters 166 The feasibility of day case surgery for dilatation and curettage procedures in Sri Lanka. R H Gunawardana and H M M B Herath
167 Use of aspirin in ischaemic heart disease. G R Constantine and P N Thenabadu
169 An unusual case of haemorrhagic cystitis. G N Lucas and T R S Seneviratne
170 Multi-drug resistant malaria in Sri Lanka. D P S Gunasekara and D P E R Perera


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