Leading Articles |
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Endemic multinodular goiter - management strategies. Channa Ratnatunga |
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Prevention of AIDS in Sri Lanka: are we doing the best for our people? Tissa Vitarana | |
From the journals |
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R L Jayakody |
Papers |
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The prevelance of Hepatitis B surface antigen in the Gampha District. E Padmasiri, Lalani Rajapaksa, Wimal S Jayakuru, Nalini Withna |
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Raised serum IgE levels in chronic inflammatory lung diseases. Debidas Ray, Kunal Saha, Anand Date, P S Jairaj | |
Presidential Address |
19 |
Unvisited vistas of the nervous system. J B Peiris |
Personal View |
25 |
The case for a national integrated diabetese service. Devaka Fernando |
History of Medicine |
27 |
Some doctors celebrated for their non-medical achievement. C G Uragoda |
Book Review |
36 |
Jamkhed - A Comprehensive Rural Health Project by Mabelle and Rajanikant Arole. |
Case Report |
37 |
Decompression sickness: recovery after delayed recompression. M M D Fonseka, L Ekanayake, P H de Silva |
39 |
Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura presenting as post-partum haemarrage. D S Rajapakse, D H Karunatilaka | |
40 |
Congenital nephrotic syndrome.D G H de Silva, I V Devasiri, H Dharmasiri, C Pathirana | |
Picture Story |
42 |
Chediak - Higashi Syndrome. S K Lokuarachchi, Sanath P Lamabadusuriya, S Kodikaraarachchi, Ruchira Fernando |
Letters |
44 |
The intermediate rainfall zone as a source of malaria epidemics in Sri Lanka. R Ramasamy,K Nagendran |
45 |
Atypical presentations of malaria associated with chloroquine resistance. H K Alles, D de Silva, K N Mendis | |
45 |
Unidentified snake bite with "pure" nephrotoxicity. S A M Kularatne | |
46 | Kikuchi's disease - a recognized cause for lymphadenopathy. Anula Wijesundara, Sisira Siribaddana Manela Joseph | |
46 | Abuse of paracetamol in childhood fever. G D I de Silva, M D A S Gunatilake, Sanath P Lamabadusuriya | |
47 | Tumour of the pancreas with unusual clinicopathalogical features. Neelakanthi Ranatunge, A Abeygunasekere, P C A Ranatunga | |
48 | Pure choriocarcinoma of ovary, probably non-gestational in origin. Malik Gunawardana, Kusuma Amaratunga | |
50 | A Sri Lankan family with lipoid proteinosis. W Chularatna, D H Harendra de Silva, Ravindra Ruberu, M Dahanayake | |
52 | Two children with acute leukaemia presenting with renal masses. G N Lucas, I N A Gooneratne, K S D Kularatne |