SLMA LogoThe Ceylon

Medical Journal

Established 1887
Volume 40, No.4, December, 1995


Peripatetic editorial notes 131 Colvin Goonaratna
Leading article 134 Intestinal worms: our turn to turn. H J de Silva and N R de Silva
136 Preventing diabetes mellitus; the epidemiological basis. Devaka Fernando
Papers 139 Anatomy of the origin of the deep femoral artery. J Perera
141 Injuries due to antipersonnel land mines in Sri Lanka. Gamini Goonetilleke
146 Pattern and prevalence of oral carcinoma in a surgical unit at Cancer Institute Maharagama. G K S de Silva, J M A Jayamaha and A Gabriel
Point ov view 148 Family medicine in the undergraduate curriculum. Nandani de Silva
Case reports 151 Carcinosarcoma arising in a solitary cylindroma of the hand. Neelakanthi Ratnatunga and L Weerasinghe
154 Papillary and solid epithelial neoplasm of the pancreas. M D S Lokuhetty, M P Kumarasinghe and L R Amarasekera
From the journals 156 R L Jayakody
Picture story 158 Chronic volvulus of the stomach with eventration of the diaphragm. Gamini Goonetilleke
Letters 160 Prevention of AIDS in Sri Lanka, the debate continues. Tissa Vitarana
161 Bisalbuminaemia - a biochemical curiosity. Ranjith J Withana
163 Observation period for dogs in rabies. S P Lamabadusuriya
163 Early audiological findings of NF2 with an acoustic neuroma. K S Sirimanna
165 A case of Kawasaki disease with coronary artery aneurysm. G N Lucas and K S D Kularatne
166 Experience with sublingual nifedipine in paediatric hypertensive emergencies. D G H de Silva, A J A L Fernando, F Law, U K Jayantha
168 Double failed female sterilisation. Jayantha Sirisena and Sunil Fernando
169 Burkitt's Lymphoma presenting with obstructive jaundice. G N Lucas and S Fernando
Obituary 170 S R Kottegoda


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