Leading Articles |
1 |
Making murder sound respectable. R Smith |
3 |
The Dunkel draft - a prescription for disaster. T George, J Amalorpavanathan, Zaibunissa Begum | |
4 |
Pharmacological management of hypertension in pregnancy. T N Aturaliya | |
9 |
Neurology of sleep. K Puvanendran | |
Papers |
11 |
Effect of age on serum prolactin concentration in presumably fertile men in Sri Lanka. K H Tennekoon, E H Karunanayake |
14 |
Incidence of induced abortion determined by the randomised response technique. L C Rajapakse, D C Perera | |
19 |
Subcutaneous morphine for postoperative analgesia. M Nirmalan, U I Bopitiya, J Jayawardene, D Attygalle | |
22 |
Prevalence of lipid abnormalities in Sri Lankan patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. S Siribaddana, N Perera, S Perera, D Fernando, N Weerasuriya | |
25 |
Agricultural accidents in North Central Sri Lanka. G Goonatilleke | |
Occasional Review |
30 |
The treatment of ulcerative colitis: from cure to a new disease. H J de Silva |
Impression of Sri Lanka |
37 |
Criticism without offence. A C P Sims |
Point of View |
40 |
Challenges for space medicine. S Sri Kantha |
Case Reports |
43 |
Salmonella typhi endocarditis. U C L Hewage, A L Kamaladasa, A K C P Amarasinghe, N Amarasekera |
45 |
Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine and chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum infection in Sri Lanka. S M Handunetti, S Jayasinghe, P P S L Pathirana, R Fernando | |
46 |
Acalypha indica induced haemolysis in G6PD deficiency. S P Lamabadusuriya, U K Jayantha | |
48 |
Skeletal fluorosis with neurological complications. J K Dissanayake, A Abeygunasekara, R Jayasekara, C Ratnatunga, N V I Ratnatunga | |
50 |
Cystic fibrosis in Sri Lanka. D G H de Silva, A J A L Fernando, M D M S Gunatilleke | |
Picture-Story |
53 |
Chronic haematoma of the abdominal wall presenting as an obstructed ventral hernia. G Goonatillake |
From the Journals |
55 |
R L Jayakody |
Book Review |
57 |
C G Uragoda |
Letters |
58 |
First-aid for jelly fish stings. M Fernando |
58 |
Benzathine penicillin for rheumatic fever prophylaxis. S B Gunatilake | |
59 |
In reply 1 R L Jayakody, S Kottegoda | |
69 |
In reply 2 G Fernando | |
Obituary |
61 |
H D Goonatillake by C G Uragoda |