Medicine and music. | Editorial | 35 |
Poisoning in Sri Lanka. | Editorial | 39 |
Sir Nicholas Attygalle memorial
oration, 1987
Endoscopic evaluation of disease of upper gastrointestinal tract - Sri Lankan experience. |
Dayasiri Fernando |
43 |
Circatrigintan rhythm of prolactin. | Kamani H Tennekoon, Elizabeth A Lenton | 57 |
Cholesterole content of high density lipoprotein subfractions as an indicator of risk of coronary heart disease. | M I F P Jayawardene, T M S Atukorala | 63 |
The immunisation of the children admitted to a paediatirc unit. | H P U D de Silva, Sanath P Lamabadusuriya | 69 |
Rett syndrome in Sri Lanka. | D G Harendra de Silva | 73 |