Travel Agent Information

Travel Agent Information

Last update: 24 Mar 1996
Please note that SLNET or its membership is not responsible for any part of the information compiled below. Please also be advised that these are only reports on 'personal experiences' but NOT 'recommendations' made by SLNET. Property of SLNET.

Table of Contents :


0. Introduction :

This file contains information on travel agents provided by SLNET
member volunteers.  An attempt is made to organize these information under
comments on each travel agent/agency. These comments (one for each
submission) will contain following information whenever provided.
(1) Amount paid.
(2) Methods of payment accepted (credit cards, check, cash).
(3) The date(s) of travel (Month/Year may be sufficient).
(4) Point of departure and/or arrival and route.
(5) Air lines used.
(6) No of times you used the travel agent.
(7) General comments on service and reliability.
(8) Any comments on time taken to process your request.
(9) Summary info:
    - hassle (y/n)
    - last minute (significant) changes in price (y/n)
    - overall (positive/negative or good/bad)
    - short comment (1/2 a line)

Notes :

1. There was a travel agent named Ganesh De Silva in West Lafayette,
Indiana. It is our understanding that he no longer works as a travel
agent. He had a partnership with one Tom McHenry who also owned Omni
Travels. Now Omni has changed name to Omnet Travels which owned and
operated by Tom's wife Lynne McHenry.

2. Badula Somaweera, a travel agent worked for LA International
travels,  now operates another travel agency by the name "Destinations".
L. A. Internationls is still in business. One agent there of Sri Lankan
origin is Nalin Amarasinghe.

3. It is a wide-spread practice of travel agents to charge 3-5% above,
if you pay by Credit cards. But remember,  it is illegal to charge
anything more than the price quoted just because you are using a credit

4. Infants (less than 2-yrs of age) are usually charged 10% of the full
adult fare. Children (above 2-yrs of age) may be charged somewhere
between 80%-100% of the quoted fare.

5. If you see any incorrect/missing information or would like to add
something, please e-mail to following addresses.

4/22/96 Added/deleted some records - muditha(

1/22/94 Added some records and reformatted to a more user friendly version.
        (we guess!). vicum ( and rajiv
        ( [vicum did all the hard work! rajiv..]

1/16/94 Added one record to end, and removed some outdated information.
        rajiv (

3/15/93 Added some records to end.  - rajiv..

11/13/92        This file is created by modifying the old compilation by
        removing some records which seemed to be too old and bare no
        significant value.  An attempt has been made to include a time
        reference with each record whenever possible.  Existing records
        (which have no dates) can be assumed to be not older than 1989.
                                      - Mahinda(on behalf of SLNET)

*/*/90  First version was complied by Daya.


1. List of Travel Agents :


Upul Traval Service
1518 S. Broadmoor Ave.
West Covina
CA 91790
tel (818) 918-9770 , (213)686-1616
fax. (818) 917-7827
telex: 9102503740

Agent : Upul Dharmadasa

New Address :

 Comments :
(1). [MAY 1989] Amount paid = $1250.00. All cashiers check prefered. The date(s)
of travel (Month/Year may be sufficient) = To Sri Lanka on the 6 May 1989 From
Sri Lanka  on the 22 Aug 1989 but changed to 11 July at Colombo. Departed
Memphis to St.Louis  to Paris (CDG) thru Boston Paris to Colombo. Departed
Colombo to Paris (CDG) to St.Louis to Memphis. Memphis thru Paris  on TWA Paris
to Colombo On our National Carrier AIRLANKA. same as above back. One but my
friends have used the same travel agent. Very good service if you call him he
will call you back to get the info so that  you do not incurr any charges on the
phone. Also periodically they send a leaflet once  in a while.

(2). [JAN. 1990] Amount paid= $1213. Methods of payment accepted (credit cards,
check, cash). Check. The date(s) of travel= January 90. Point of departure
arrival and route. SFO - SIN - CMB - SIN - SFO (LAX same fare). Air lines used =
SIA. No of times you used the travel agent = Several. Can recommend this guy,
they are very friendly and return your calls promptly. I'm quite satisfied with
their service.

(3). [MAR. 1992] Amount paid: $1080.  Methods of payment: Personal Check. The
date(s)  of travel:  Left U.S. on 02/13/92.  Came back on 03/15/92. Point of
departure and/or arrival and route:
        Washington, DC (Dulles) -> Paris (Charles DeGalle) -> Bahrain
        -> Colombo
        Colombo -> Muscat -> London (Heathrow) -> NY (JFK) -> DC (Dulles)
Air lines used: United Airlines, Gulf Air and Air Lanka
I advice you to take Air Lanka flights, if possible.  In-flight services  are
the best, even in the economy class. No of times you used the travel agent=Once..
General comments on service and reliability: My parents and friends  have used
this agent a few times and he is reliable and quick.  He willcall you back even
if you are a long distance phone call away.  Tickets were all confirmed; no
surprises when I called the airline in SL for re-confirmation.  Would  have been
nice if he got me a London-DC direct flight, but I was late in booking tickets.
Any comments on time taken to process your request:  I had to purchase the
ticket one month ahead.  He processed the ticket in a couple of days,  on  my
word that the check in coming.  I received the ticket a few days after he
received my check.  General comments on travelling:  A warm smile and a nice
"Hello" will take you far with immigration and customs officials.  If you look
nervous, they will turn your baggage up-side-down.  Some airlines and airports
keep your ticket/passport until you are ready to board the plane.  Insist  on a
receipt for it, so that you have something to show if something were to happen.
I've been told that people who carry Sri Lankan passports are treated badly at
some European airports.

(4) [MAY 1992] Route= St Louis-Colombo via London Colombo-St Louis via London
(overnight London). Departure = May 1992. Arrival = June 1992. Cost =Ticket US
 Accepts American Express. Charges an additional
 4% and another $ 10.00 to send via Federal Express
Air Lines = American upto London and Gulf from London onwards
 Gulf upto London and American from London to St Loui

*    We called most of the agents listed in the SLNET travel infor document.
Upul was the only agent who seemed reliable and who did not change the price
*    Talk to Upul directly. Some others in his office arent as efficient or
helpful and sometimes lead to delays.
*    Obtaining quotations from various agents without giving your name to reser
ve a seat will help you find a reasonably low ticket. Once an agent reserves a
seat for you it is difficult to change even if you find another agent quoting
a lower price.
*    Always get the name of the person who is giving you the quotation. ONe
ticketing agent quoted a low price and when we wanted them to reserve a seat,
they changed the price and denied having ever quoted that price.
*    It is advisable to call the respective airlines directly and double check
whether all sectors are confirmed. (Requires record locator (reference no) from
your agent).

(5). Several comments about Upul:
 Several of us (including me) have had the same bad experience
 in dealing with Upul.  At the beginning, he offered a very good
price on the ticket.  But when it came to the point of buying it,
he increased the price giving various reasons.  When I inquired from
all of the other friends who have bought tickets from him,
I found out that they have had the same experience.  Some had to
pay $150 more than the initial quotation to buy the ticket !!.

 The worst thing about him is that he imposes these price
increases at the last minute so that you don't have any time to look
for another agent.  So, please be aware that this can happen to you
when you deal with Upul (this is the experience of more than
five people resulting in more than 8 tickets).

(6). [AUG. 1992] Paid  $1200 by Personal CHECK. Traveled between
AUGUST 1992 - DECEMBER, 1992 via
Used travel agency once.
Excellenet service.  Returned all my calls.  At my request, made three
Changes in my ticket after i had purchased it.  Extremely courteous.
Will use upuls in future too.


Pramod Misdry
Phone: (213)-413-5888

Comments :
(1).  Have got good rates from him although I never bought from him. I
       know people who did though.


Creative Travel
Savithri Weerakkody
120 Charlotte Place
Englewood Cliffs
NJ 07632

Telex 5101009957
Fax (201)585-1904.

 Comments :
(1).  I can strongly recommend Ms. Savithri Weerakkody of Creative Travel.
She gives good rates and her service is very good.  She can be reached
by phone at work at (201)569-2900.  Or she can be called at home between
7:00 am and 8:00 am Eastern time at (201)569-1394.  The address of her
agency is 120 Charlotte Place, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632.  The Telex
number is 5101009957 and the FAX number is (201)585-1904.

(2) [DEC. 1993] A slight surprise was encountered with these people. First she
offered the ticket for $930+21(tax). She sent me the bill for $ 951, and later
said that it should be $1030+21, finally it was brought down to $1000+21 (she
did apologize but it did happen).
[I believe that this ticket was from JFK to CMB (return) in Dec/Jan of 93/94.
stopover and airline info not known.  rajiv..]


Rio Travels
142 Seaview Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10304

Agents : Rani or Latha Ananda
          phone (718) 979-5424 - Home
                   (718) 667-4497   - office
                 (718) 979 5426     - Fax
                both are living in the same place

 Comments :
(1). [AUG. 19**]
Airlines:  KLM   and AIRLANKA or some other airlines (gulf airline is
the cheapest) They accept cheques for payments. They usually give give very
cheap deals than other travel agents I have heard. Last summer 3 of  my friends
bought tickets from them for 1085 to colombo via KLM One travels in   beginning
of August and returned in mid of Sep.his departure was Chicago.
Another travels to Madrass through Airlanka for 1220 he travelled
in mid of July to mid of sep. Departure was Toledo, Ohio
In general I can say these people are very reliable. Before we
pay money we can check with airlines. They don't ask to pay without
getting confirmed the tickets. That is the main reason I trust them.

(2) [DEC. 1993] Paid $ 1475+ a $21 tax. Paid $ 277.20+tax of $21 for an
infant. Travel dates are Dec.20,1993-Jan.08,1994 on TWA and Air Lanka via
Paris (CDG) and Abu Dhabi. Agent=Latha. Route taken : Indianapolis-St. Louis
Air Lanka flights are consistently late but the service is excellent. Agent
quoted a price of $1425 and later increased it to $1475, but she worked hard
to confirm my flights in the busiest time of the year. I recommened their
service, but you are warned to use common-consumer-instincts.


Supersonic travels & tours
9651 Bissonet
Houston, TX


Agents : Mr. Jawid

 Comments :
(1). [JUL. 19**]
Mr. Jawid, Supersonic travels & tours, 9651 Bissonet, Houston, TX .
Amount paid =$1043.00 (including taxes) via cashiers check (for cards the amount
charged by the card co. (the %) -has to be paid extra).  Dates of travel= June
9th & July 8th (approximately). (No summer surcharge wad added).  Route taken =
Houston - NY - Frankfurt - Abu Dhabi - Colombo & Col. - Muscat - Frkft - NY -
Houston (8 diff. planes) Hou. to Europe - TWA  Europe to the Mother Land Gulf
Air.  Used once by my self, couple of times by a friend living here.
        * London, Paris & Fkfrt transits at the same rate.
        * one compulsory over-nite stay in Europe in the way back.
                - no hottel accomodation by the air line.

        * air lines - OK, little delays, but Gulf delayed the second flight
                till the first one came. (in A.D and Muscat).
        * service - Good (I mean the Gulf)
        * I purchased the ticket about 5 weeks before departure.
        * disadvantage - Gulf - TWA combination may delay your baggage
                by a couple of days. It happened to me (on the way back) and
                to another Indian friend (while going to India).
        * I am satisfied with the services, Travel agent & air line.
        * his telephone # is (713)-777-0333
        * I will send the Zip code later.


Maharaja CWT
518, 5th Ave.  NY 10036

 Comments :
(1). [JAN. 19**] I travelled to Sri Lanka in January (6-24 January) this year.
Let me give you the information of the travel agency I used.
Amount Paid = $1050
Mtd. of Payment: check Route: NY,Amsterdam,SL
Air Lines: Royal Jordanian AL, Air Lanka
Comments: O.K.
I got the information from a consumer report. Air Lanka
round trip fare was $1250 at that time. I think it was
a good price.


Alien Travels Inc.
18 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL.

Agent : Mr. Shouket

Telephone: 1-800-262-1972
          (312) 263 - 1972

 Comments :
(1). [JUN. 1990]   Price : $ 1070 (round trip). Method of payment : I paid by
check. Dates : June 1, 1990 and return on  July 21, 1990
Route : Chicago-Amsterdam-Colombo-Amsterdam-Chicago
Airlines : KLM all the way I used the above travel agent once.
Processed my ticket pretty quickly. They do their own ticketing.
Caution : Make sure that you reserve a seat for your return trip when you are
purchasing the ticket. Also it's a good idea to call the airline office and
check once you buy the ticket.

Trade Wind Associates,(agents for GulfAir)
somewhere in Houston Tx i cant remember the address and anyway
it is the phone number that is important.

Agents: Mr. Khan  &  Ms. Farida


  Comments :

(1). [MAR 95]  First when I called 3 months ahead of depature, they qouted me 
$1080 for the round trip. After reserving the ticket I called several
times. On one of those ocassions Mr. Khan informed me that the prices has
gone down so I had to pay only $ 980.00 when I actualy paid it.
           I left Chicago on May 24, 95 and came back on July 15, 95. Took
American Air lines from Chicago to London. Gulf Air from London to Bahrain
then to Colombo. Got stuck in the Chicago trafic and missed the first flight
from Chicago. They put me on the next American flight to London which left
30 min later. Got there on time to catch the conecting flight.
        Came back the same way, Gulf Air through Colombo, Bahrain and
London. American from London to Chicago. Had a 14 hr stop in Bahrain on the
way back. Gulf Air paid for a transit visa to stay in Bahrain and for the
hotel fare.
        Everyting was fine except the last lap from Bahrain to Colombo. It
got delayed a lot to begin with. It was a badly maitained plane, felt like
being in a privete bus in Sri Lanka. Flight attendets were curtious compared
to some I had come across before. I'm generaly satisfied with the service.

(2). [MAR. 1991]  Round trip fare $941 plus the visa fee because i chose to go
through  London. Paid by cashiers cheque. They accept credit cards but there
is a surcharge.  Left 14/3/91 returned 15/4/91. Route
They usually have an overnight stop in Europe (London or Paris)
on one of the outward or return legs of the trip. Transatlantic on TWA.  The
rest on GulfAir. Used this service Twice. Two years ago i made a reservation
and sent my cheque and then decided i couldn't go and they agreed to cancel the
reservation. Received the ticket in One day. I sent an extra $10 for overnight
delivery and received my tickets 3 days after i sent the money. I think the
agents are very reliable and provide a good service. GulfAir is not 100%
reliable. In my case i found that my return flight to the Middle East had been
cancelled. However they arranged a connection through Air Lanka within a  few
hours. The fact that Air Lanka then got there three hours late making me miss
the connection was not their fault! Even then they managed to put me
 on the next flight and got me to London on time.
Inflight service on GulfAir is good, pretty bad on TWA but that
is the cheapest flight across the atlantic.


1494 South Robertson Blvd, #201
Los Angelese, CA 90035

         Telephone : (800) 236-7322, (310) 859 8740    Fax: (310) 859-8982
         Name of Contact Person: Sriyal Kumarage

  Comments :

(1).    Adore Travel has been in business for over 10 years, and has full IATA
and ARC approval. They specilize in travel to and from Sri Lanka, and also
offer attractive fares to Europe and within US. Some of the sample fares are
given below:
San Francisco/LA to Colombo through Singapore Airlines: US$ 1,250 (round
trip)NY to Colombo through Gulf Air: US$ 1,050 (round trip) NY to Colombo
through KLM: US$ 1,100 (round trip) Chicago to Colombo through Gulf Air: US$
1,150 (round trip) Chicago to Colombo through Air Lanka: US$ 1,450 (round
trip) Method of payment: All major credit cards, personal cheques, etc.

The services are quick and quite reliable. All arrangements, including  next
day mailing of tickets through FEDERAL EXPRESS, could be done over telephone.
I hope this information is sufficient;  further information could be
obtained by calling Sriyal Kumarage on the number given.


PATHMA Hemachandra
20411 W.12 MILE RD

                TEL # :    (313) 356-3060
                FAX   :    (313) 356-6411

  Comments :
(1). [DEC. 1991]   SOURCE : SRI LANKA EXPRESS  Dec. 20th 1991

Sri Lanka International Travels Inc.
1730, K Street, N.W., Suite 100
Washington D.C 20006

TELEPHONE # / FAX #            : (202)-331-9428 / (202)-331-9734

Agent = Bandula

  Comments :
(1). [APR. 1992]
Number of / DATE TICKETS PURCHASED  : (02) / 28 APR 1992.
AMOUNT /METHOD OF PAYMENT     : $ 1358 / Personal Check (credit cards welcome)
ROUTE USED FOR TRAVEL          : St.Louis/Paris/Colombo and back
AIRLINES USED                  : TWA / Air Lanka
  (Ticket #1) 28 May1992 - 11 July 1992
  (Ticket #2) 28 May 1992 - 16 August 1992

 Has been removed due to a change of agent.  Agency is active.
  (Record has been updated with latest user response)


Sunbeam Travel (also skylink travel)
265 Madison Avenue
5th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Phone (212)-599-0430 (ask for denise)

  Comments :
(1). [MAY 1992]
Traveled : 15 May 92 and returned on 14 June 92 (JFK - CMB - JFK).
Airline  : KLM (very nice and friendly, I traveled with 2 small kids and had
                no problems. They have a nice feature of informing the
                passengers via the TV, over which country you are flying
                using a map, and how much more time left to travel, etc).
Cost     : US$1100/ticket.  The rates were supposed to go up to 1260 after
           May 15, but I heard that KLM has reduced its rates yesterday.
Mode of  : I paid by cashiers check, since i wanted the tickets immediately.
Payement : Regular checks are OK, but will take time.  Credit Cards are not
           preferred, since these are cut rate tickets and creates accounting
Visa     : KLM people said that I dont need a visa to enter amsterdam, but
         : embassy said I need one, and so I got one.  No body checked it.
         : But people coming from colombo need a visa, again you don't see
         : any immigration guys to check it. joys of being a srilankan.
About the travel agency :
I found them to be reliable and had no problems with them.  This is the
first time I has used them and was recommended to me by another srilankan.
These people are very interested in selling tickets to Colombo. I also
mentioned to her about SLNET (srilankan student computer network).
After I was told my tickets were booked, I too called KLM and verified
(A very good thing to do, regardless of which agent you use).
The only complain I have is that sometimes they would not
return your calls.  So I never did rely on them to call me but kept
calling them instead.


 L.A. International Travels Inc.
1936 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angelese
CA 90057
TELEPHONE # : (800)-227-9957 / (213)-413-9957
FAX: (213) 413-1858

Agents :  Bandula, Karina, Nalin


(1). [ AUG. 1992]  # of / DATE TICKETS PURCHASED  : (04) / 15 Aug  1992 .
AMOUNT / METHOD OF PAYMENT     : Credit card (AM EXPRESS) Checks O.K
ROUTE USED FOR TRAVEL          : LA Bangkok COlombo & return
AIRLINES USED                  : Thai airways int.
DATES OF TRAVEL                : Sept 2, 1992 & Sept 14, 1992
GENERAL COMMENTS AND REMARKS   :  L. A. Int travel is a full service
agency, offering a variety of services for travel within US and overseas
The service is very efficine and friendly.  Bandula takes a personal
interest in each prospective traveller's needs and will not hesitate to
call you several times to inform you of all the fine details.
He also takes meticulous care about confirming reservations which should
be appreciated.  He will also do his best to get the best deal for you,
provided that you contact him early.  Overall, I would highly recommend
him to any individual who is looking for a reliable and efficient
travel agent.

(2).  Ticket info:  2 tickets via Tokyo, Bangkok to Colombo.
He is very keen in getting you the best deal.
It is a very positive factor that he can be reached via an 800
number because you don't have to worry about your phone bill even if
you had to call him several times - I haven't had to call and
pester hime to get it done - he promptly got tickets confirmed
and called me.
I am honestly impressed with his service.
I havn't had any changes in the initial quotation.
We found his service to be VERY friendly.
He never gave any false information on the baggage allownce,
visa fees, airport fees etc., which usually come as surprises
when you use some travel agents.
Strongly recommended.

(3) [DEC. 1993] An agent named Karina tried to sell me an unconfirmed
ticket on USAir and Malaysian Airlines. Before sending money to buy
the ticket, I called Airlines direct and found out that 2 segments of
the travel are not confirmed. when I confronted, she said she'll do
her best to get them confirmed. Later another agent named Nalin called
me an said they can't get them confirmed so I had to use another travel
agency. Price they quoted for travel from Indianapolis to Colombo via
LA-Kuala Lumpur is $ 1617 including tax. My advice is NEVER buy a ticket
without getting confirmed from the airlines, yourself.


Destinations. Bhindi's Travel Inc.
18516 Pioneer Blvd. # 202
Artesia, CA 90701

Tele  : (310) 402 2420, (310) 402 7597
        (310) 863 4316 - Home
        (310) 402 7413 - Fax

Agent : Bandula Somaweera (Formarly from LA International)

(1)   [JAN 1994] Bandula is a good travel agent and therefore it would
      be great if you could make this change on the listing so that
      people who use the list can reach him for the best deal.


Omnet Travel & Tours Inc.
207 North Street, Suite 101
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Tele: (317) 743 2747
        (317) 734 4770 - Fax

Agent : Lynne McHenry


Sharmalie and Jayantha

    (800) 999 2260, (213) 546 2756


Namal (WV) 
      Tele:  804 750 2413

(1) Amount paid. abt. $1100
(2) Methods of payment accepted (credit cards, check, cash). credit card
(3) The date(s) of travel (Month/Year may be sufficient). Dec 1995
(4) Point of departure and/or arrival and route. Minneapolis Chicago
        Amman Colombo
(5) Air lines used. United/Jordanian
(6) No of times you used the travel agent. 1
(7) General comments on service and reliability. Very good
(8) Any comments on time taken to process your request.
(9) Summary info:
          - hassle (y/n) n
         - last minute (significant) changes in price (y/n) n
          - overall (positive/negative or good/bad) positive
         - short comment (1/2 a line)

Agent is very good. But at all cost I would avoid taking Jordanian. When
I had some problems with a lost baggage, Jordanian baggage claim hung up
telephone on me. Very incompetent customer service in the US.


*General Comments -
The best way to go about is talk to a couple of air lines directly for a good
price well ahead. If you find something you like go ahead and reserve it. and
get the reference number. Then talk to some travel agents ask the price for the
same journey, If they give a better price ask them to buy the ticket you
reserved and give the reference number to them.
I infact had seat reserved at Air Lanka for $1153. Later they increased the
price to 1393. so I had to give it up. Be careful about unknown travel agents
One travel agent asked me to mail my credit card to them. When I said NO, He
sent me a blank credit card slip for me sign and send.(a trav.agent in Chicago)


Information on Air Lines :

Once your travel agent informs you that the tickets are confirmed, it is
a good practice to call all the airlines involved and  find out it for
yourself. For this you may need to obtain the reservation number (Six letter
word starting from Q) from your travel agent. Here are some 800-numbers of
widely used air lines. If your favorite airline is not listed, please inform
us. You may also obtain numbers from 800-operator (1-800-555-1212).

2.1  Air Lanka - (800) 247 5265
                 (212) 838 5120
    The telephone no. of Air Lanka office in NY is 457-0063.
    It is a tollfree number. I used it from Maryland and
    you don't have to dial 1-800.

       800-892-9136 A O M French Airlines (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-543-3898 AIRMarshall Islands (Honolulu HI) 
       800-327-7197 ALM Antillean Airlines (Miami FL) 
       800-327-7230 ALM Antillean Airlines (Miami FL) 
       800-742-2316 ALM Antillean Airlines Group Department (Miami FL) 
       800-235-9262 ANA-All Nippon Airways (New York NY) 
       800-225-2995 ATA American Trans Air (Indianapolis IN) 
       800-243-8623 Action Air Lines (Groton CT) 
       800-543-3077 Adventure Airlines (Las Vegas NV) 
       800-223-6537 Aer Lingus (US) 
       800-237-6225 Aero California (US) 
       800-237-6274 Aero Costa Rica (Miami FL) 
       800-735-5396 Aeroejecutivo SA-DE-CV (Houston TX) 
       800-237-6639 Aeromexico (Houston TX) 
       800-247-3737 Aeromiles (Houston TX) 
       800-777-7717 Aeroperu Airlines (Coral Gables FL) 
       800-456-9192 Air Afrique Passenger Reservations/Info (New York NY) 
       800-882-7822 Air Aruba (Miami FL) 
       800-424-7225 Air Cal Reservations (Newport Beach CA) 
       800-662-2740 Air Canada Caro (Akron OH) 
       800-776-3000 Air Canada (US) 
       800-321-4538 Air France (US) 
       800-232-2746 Air France (US) 
       800-237-2747 Air France (US) 
       800-221-6000 Air India Air Cargo Rates & Information (Jamaica NY) 
       800-847-7851 Air India (New York NY) 
       800-523-5585 Air Jamaica (King Of Prussia PA) 
       800-933-5952 Air LA (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-262-1234 Air New Zealand (El Segundo CA) 
       800-521-4059 Air New Zealand (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-227-4446 Air Pacific (Tucson AZ) 
       800-535-4448 Air Sedona (Las Vegas NV) 
       800-327-8900 Air Sunshine (Ft Lauderdale FL) 
       800-446-7834 Air Virginia Reservation && Information (Lynchburg VA) 
       800-223-5552 AirAtlantic Airlines Inc (Upland CA) 
       800-247-2487 Aircard (Delray Beach FL) 
       800-428-1590 Aircraft Services Intl Inc (Tampa FL) 
       800-215-6515 Airlines Authorized Reser. & Ticketing Agency (Englewood NJ) 
       800-924-2727 Airreps (Hampton VA) 
       800-426-0333 Alaska Airlines (US) 
       800-367-5250 Aloha Airlines Reservations (Honolulu HI) 
       800-554-4833 Aloha Airlines Reservations-TDD Hearing (Honolulu HI) 
       800-227-4900 Aloha Airlines (US) 
       800-803-9454 Aloha Airlines (US) 
       800-225-9919 Ambassadair Reservations (Indianapolis IN) 
       800-243-2772 America Air Ticketing (Arlington TX) 
       800-235-9292 America West Airlines (US) 
       800-356-6611 America West Vacations (US) 
       800-223-5436 American Airlines Automated (Ft Worth TX) 
       800-433-7300 American Airlines (US) 
       800-223-8780 Arca Airlines dba Zulliana De Aviacion (Miami FL) 
       800-932-7426 Asiana Airlines Cargo (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-227-4262 Asiana Airlines (US) 
       800-862-8527 Atlas Air Cargo (Jamaica NY) 
       800-448-9400 Australian Airlines (Tucson AZ) 
       800-428-3672 Avensa/Servivensa Airlines (Miami FL) 
       800-453-4703 Aviateca Airlines Sales (Miami FL) 
       800-535-4148 Aviateca The Airline Of Guatemala (US) 
       800-538-2942 BWIA International (Miami FL) 
       800-327-7401 BWIA Intl Airline Reservations (Miami FL) 
       800-327-0204 BWIA Intl (Miami FL) 
       800-222-4262 Bahamas Air (Miami FL) 
       800-322-5247 Balair/CTA (New York NY) 
       800-548-8181 Baltic Intl Airlines (Houston TX) 
       800-332-7133 Bemidji Airlines (Bemidji MN) 
       800-247-9297 British Airways (US) 
       800-268-2944 Buffalo Airways (Kansas City MO) 
       800-426-7000 Canadian Airlines International Ltd (US) 
       800-227-4622 Cargo Information (Dallas TX) 
       800-647-7415 Carnival Airlines (Dania FL) 
       800-252-2746 Cayman Airways Reservations & Information (US) 
       800-422-9626 Cayman Airways Reservations & Information (US) 
       800-441-3003 Cayman Airways Reservations (Coral Gables FL) 
       800-343-6565 Cayman Airways-Group Desk (Miami FL) 
       800-541-0410 Century Airlines (El Paso TX) 
       800-237-1101 Chart Air San Juan (Friday Harbor WA) 
       800-227-5118 China Airlines (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-624-2245 China Airlines Cargo Sales JFK (Jamaica NY) 
       800-200-5118 China Eastern Airlines (Pasadena CA) 
       800-843-4872 Chipola Aviation (Marianna FL) 
       800-637-5553 Chrysler Air Service (Seattle WA) 
       800-274-0511 Cindy's Travel World (Buena Vista CO) 
       800-206-1800 Colgan Air (Manassas VA) 
       800-722-0860 Conquest Airlines (Austin TX) 
       800-421-2456 Continental Airlines Quickpak Small Package (US) 
       800-231-0856 Continental Airlines/Continental Express (US) 
       800-343-9195 Continental Airlines/Continental Express (US) 
       800-525-0280 Continental Airlines/Continental Express (US) 
       800-634-5555 Continental Airlines/Continental Express (US) 
       800-784-4444 Continental Airlines/Continental Express (US) 
       800-892-2672 Copa Airlines (Miami FL) 
       800-247-5353 Croatia Airlines (Chicago IL) 
       800-221-1212 Delta Air Lines Inc (Atlanta GA) 
       800-241-4141 Delta Air Lines Inc (US) 
       800-638-7333 Delta Air Lines Inc (US) 
       800-331-7098 Egypt Air (Jamaica NY) 
       800-334-6787 Egyptair Reservations (New York NY) 
       800-223-6700 El Al Israel Airlines Reservations & Info (New York NY) 
       800-334-3356 Faucett Airline (Miami FL) 
       800-923-9222 Fine Airlines (Miami FL) 
       800-527-1266 Flight Proficiency (Dallas TX) 
       800-432-1359 Frontier Airlines (US) 
       800-624-3092 GP Express Airlines Inc (Grand Island NE) 
       800-876-2254 Garuda Indonesia Airlines (New York NY) 
       800-342-7832 Garuda Indonesia (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-345-7747 Global Aircargo Mktg (Houston TX) 
       800-554-7263 Grand Airways (Las Vegas NV) 
       800-554-5111 Great Lakes Aviation (Bloomington MN) 
       800-992-8532 Gulfstream Intl Airlines (Miami Springs FL) 
       800-242-4210 Guyana Airways (Brooklyn NY) 
       800-359-3220 Harbor Airlines (Oak Harbor WA) 
       800-367-5320 Hawaiian Airlines (Honolulu HI) 
       800-367-7637 Hawaiian Airlines (Honolulu HI) 
       800-547-9308 Horizon Air (US) 
       800-772-4642 Iberia Airlines Of Spain (US) 
       800-223-5500 Icelandair Reservations (New York NY) 
       800-624-6262 Intl Reservations (Cary NC) 
       800-323-3345 Island Air (US) 
       800-652-6541 Island Air (US) 
       800-525-3663 Japan Airlines (US) 
       800-538-5327 Jetlease Finance (Ft Lauderdale FL) 
       800-556-9000 K L M Cargo (Elmsford NY) 
       800-343-2506 Kenya Airways (New York NY) 
       800-538-5494 Kiwi Intl Airlines (Newark NJ) 
       800-438-5000 Korean Air (US) 
       800-421-5822 Korean Airlines Cargo Reservations & Sales (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-458-9248 Kuwait Airways Reservations & Information (New York NY) 
       800-432-2799 Ladeco Airlines (Orlando FL) 
       800-634-6851 Las Vegas Airlines (Las Vegas NV) 
       800-327-3098 Lloyd Aereo Boliviano Airlines (Miami FL) 
       800-327-1502 Lloyd Aereo Boliviano Airlines-Cargo Service (Miami FL) 
       800-327-7407 Lloyd Aero Boliviano Airlines (Miami FL) 
       800-581-6400 Lufthansa German Airlines (East Meadow NY) 
       800-645-3880 Lufthansa German Airlines (East Meadow NY) 
       800-648-3273 Malaysian Airline Rate Desk (Las Vegas NV) 
       800-421-8641 Malaysian Airline Reservations (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-262-5380 Malev Hungarian Airlines (Century City CA) 
       800-243-2441 Mercury Air Group (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-223-8433 Mercury Services (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-637-2247 Mesa Airlines Reservations (Farmington NM) 
       800-280-3324 Mexicana Airlines (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-531-7921 Mexicana Airlines (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-531-9254 Mexicana Airlines (San Antonio TX) 
       800-446-4392 Midway Airlines (Durham NC) 
       800-650-7844 Midway Airlines (US) 
       800-452-2022 Midwest Express Airlines Inc (US) 
       800-334-1149 Midwest Express Airlines (Milwaukee WI) 
       800-469-6453 Miles Above (Plymouth MN) 
       800-635-8787 Nantucket Airlines (Nantucket MA) 
       800-243-2460 New England Airline (Westerly RI) 
       800-645-3494 New York Helicopter Corp (Garden City NY) 
       800-831-6422 Nica Airlines (Miami FL) 
       800-692-8687 Northwest Airlines (Edina MN) 
       800-692-2746 Northwest Airlines (Minneapolis MN) 
       800-225-2525 Northwest Airlines (St Paul MN) 
       800-345-7458 Northwest Airlines Reservations & Information (Livonia MI) 
       800-221-2557 Pakistan Intl Airlines (New York NY) 
       800-221-2552 Pakistan Intl Airlines (US) 
       800-448-4226 Peninsula Airways Reservations (Anchorage AK) 
       800-435-9725 Philippine Airlines (San Francisco CA) 
       800-524-6667 Philippine Airlines Lost & Found (San Francisco CA) 
       800-255-7445 Philippine Airlines Refunds (San Francisco CA) 
       800-227-4500 Qantas Airways (US) 
       800-544-2248 Reeve Aleutian Airways Reservations (Anchorage AK) 
       800-828-4668 Rover Airways Intl (Pagosa Springs CO) 
       800-344-6726 Royal Air Maroc/Reservations Information (New York NY) 
       800-292-0081 Royal Air Maroc/Sales & Executive Office (New York NY) 
       800-223-0470 Royal Jordanian Airline (New York NY) 
       800-266-3725 Royal Nepal Airlines (Sun Valley CA) 
       800-569-2473 S Airlines (New York NY) 
       800-538-7276 Saro Airlines (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-472-8342 Saudi Arabia Airlines (New York NY) 
       800-394-4400 Saudi Arabian Airlines (US) 
       800-225-5727 Scandinavian Airlines (Chicago IL) 
       800-221-2350 Scandinavian Airlines (US) 
       800-742-0727 Scandinavian Airlines (US) 
       800-742-3333 Singapore Airlines (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-421-5643 Sita World Travel (Sun Valley CA) 
       800-453-9417 Skywest Airlines (St George UT) 
       800-722-9675 South African Airways Reservations & Info (New York NY) 
       800-435-9792 Southwest Airlines Reservations (US) 
       800-246-6678 Spirit Airline (Eastpointe MI) 
       800-443-0059 Starting Point Travel (Tyler TX) 
       800-478-6538 Sun Jet Reservations (Marietta GA) 
       800-221-4750 Swissair (Melville NY) 
       800-221-4780 Swissair (US) 
       800-221-6644 Swissair (US) 
       800-672-8321 TACA International Airlines Cargo & Packages (Kenner LA) 
       800-535-8780 TACA International Airlines Reservations & Info (US) 
       800-221-7370 Tap Air Portugal (Newark NJ) 
       800-426-5204 Thai Airways International (US) 
       800-221-2500 Tower Air (Jamaica NY) 
       800-452-5531 Tower Air (Jamaica NY) 
       800-348-6937 Tower Air (US) 
       800-893-2513 Travel Co The (Colorado Springs CO) 
       800-874-8875 Turkish Airlines (New York NY) 
       800-233-3424 USAFRICA Airways (US) 
       800-507-5511 USAFRICA Airways (US) 
       800-296-3255 USAFRICA Airways (Reston VA) 
       800-428-4322 USAir (US) 
       800-943-5436 USAir (US) 
       800-241-6522 United Airlines (US) 
       800-327-2392 Varig Brazilian Airlines & Cargo (Miami FL) 
       800-262-1706 Varig Brazilian Airlines (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-252-0403 Varig Brazilian Airlines Sales & Administration (Upland CA) 
       800-732-8277 Vasp Brazilian Airlines (Los Angeles CA) 
       800-433-0444 Vasp Brazilian Airlines (Orlando FL) 
       800-892-8898 Viasa Airlines Northern (New York NY) 
       800-221-6112 Viasa Venezuelan International Airways (US) 
       800-327-4470 Viasa Venezuelan International Airways (US) 
       800-468-4272 Viasa Venezuelan International Airways (US) 
       800-862-8621 Virgin Atlantic Airways Reservations (US) 
       800-359-7759 Wheel-Air Charter Inc (Minneapolis MN) 
       800-252-0017 Wings West Airlines (San Luis Obispo CA) 


Information on Transit Visa Requirements:

Most countries require Sri Lankan passport holders to have transit visas
just to pass thru their airports.  Usually transit visas are not required
by those continuing their journey to a third country by the same or connecting
aircraft, or by those who continue their journey to a third country within
24/48 hours from the SAME airport at which they arrive. You may ask your
travel agent to find out if you need transit visa. You can also call the
embassy of transit country direct and get the most reliable information.
For this purpose we have listed consular info. on widely used transit
countries. Please inform if you find missing/incorrect info.

Things you may need:
1. filled out application obtainable from the embassy
2. one or ttwo passport size photographs
3. a valid passport
4. proof of US visa status
5. copy of round-trip ticket or a letter from the travel agent with itenary
6. Fee, if applicable
7. proof of financial ability

3.1  France

Transit visa required. If you visit them, it will be processed sameday, while
you wait.
Cost = $ 10.20 per person

a) French Consulate General
     4101 Reservoir Road NW
     Washington DC 20007
     (202) 944 6000
     (202) 944 6200
b)  Consulate General De France
    737N Michigan Ave. Suite 2020
    Chicago, IL 60611-2694
    (312) 787 7889
    (312) 787 5359

Branches: Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Honolulu, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami,
New Orleans, New York, San Francisco and San Juan

3.2 Germany ( Frankfurt)

4645 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington DC 20007
(202) 298 4000

Branches: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami,
New York and Seattle

3.3 Italy (Rome)

1601 Fuller Street, NW
Washington DC 20009
(202) 328 5500

Branches: Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York,
Philadelphia and San Francisco

3.4 Japan (Tokyo)

2520 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington DC 20008
(202) 939 6700

Branches: Anchorage, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Guam, Honolulu, Houston,
Kansas City, LA, New Orleans, NY, Portland, San Fr., (Sleepless in) Seattle

3.5 Netherlands (Amsterdam)

Transit visa  required. (In 1986, this was free of charge)

4200 Linnean Ave. NW
Washington DC 20008
(202) 328 4800

Branches: Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York

3.6 Switzerland (Zurich)

2900 Cathedral Ave. NW
Washington DC 20008
(202) 745 7900

Branches: Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, LA, NY, San Francisco

3.7 United Kingdom

Transit visa required. It will be processed sameday, if you visit
them. (Hand in application in the morning and pick up in the evening.)
Cost = $36.00 per single entry and $52.00 for multiple entry

Birtish High Commission
19 observatory Circle
Washington DC 20008
(202) 986 0205

33 North Dearborn St.
Suite 900
Chicago IL
(312) 606 3500
(312) 346 1810

Branches: LA, NY, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas


4. Information on Duty Free & Customs

The following items may be imported into Sri Lanka without incurring customs
a. 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 375g of tobacco or a combination of
   these not exceeding 375g;
b. 2 bottles of wine and 1.5 litres of spirits;
c. Small quantity of perfume or 250ml of toilet water.
d. Personal Goods and articles used while outside Sri Lanka (there are
   limitations to this category).

Note: (a) Precious metals, including gold, platinum and silver (and
          including jewellery), must be declared on arrival in Sri Lanka.
      (b) There is no free gift allowance.
      (c) If you stayed more than 12 months outside Sri Lanka then you are
          allowed goods worth upto  Rs. 50,000.00 of Duty Free. But this
          Rs. 50,000.00 includes items mentioned in a,b and c above.


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