Mission: To work towards creating in Sri Lanka and the world a culture that is merciful to humans, animals and nature by actively promoting vegetarianism as an ethical, environment-friendly and healthful way of life.
Membership: Vegetarians over 12 years of age can become Life or Ordinary Members. Those who intend to become vegetarians can become Associate members.
Membership Fees:
(Please fill in and send to Secretary/ SLVS, 310, High Level Road, Colombo 6)
Name: ...........................................
Year of Birth: ..........
Address: ...............................................................
Telephone: ..................
I am sending herewith cash/ cheque/ money order for Rs.......... for Life/ Ordinary/ Student/ Associate membership of SLVS. I agree to abide by the constitution of the Society and pledge to uphold the right to life of all living beings and to abstain from violence and cruelty to them to the best of my ability.
Signature: ........................ Date: ..................
Amount Received: .........
by cash/ chque/ mo: ..............................
M’ship No: ............................
Secretary/ Treasurer: ........................
Date: ........................