According to the "Frontline" magazine published in India the LTTE is conspiring to assassinate Mrs. Sonia Gandhi before the Indian general elections are held. The LTTE is of the view that if the Congress Party comes into power they will face problems due to the assassination of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi by the suicidal squads of the LTTE.
It is said that the LTTE may not resort to the familiar methods of killing people using the suicidal squad but may employ new techniques. Meanwhile Anton Balasingham has issued a statement in London to the effect that these assassination stories are not true. But those who know the LTTE are not prepared to believe Balasingham and his statements.
Recently the former chief minister of the provincial council of the north and the east Vardharaja Perumal who fled to India after unilaterally declaring Elam has told the EPRLF members that when Mrs. Gandhi comes into power she would help him to defeat the LTTE. The LTTE recently killed Razik who had been organising an armed group against the LTTE. It is said that Razik had the support of Vardharaja Perumal.