The British under secretary for Commonwealth and foreign affairs, Mr. Fatchett described his visit to Sri Lanka as a strange visit at a press conference held at the official residence of the British high commissioner in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Fatchett whose Air Lanka flight was delayed by 24 hours finally arrived in Kolomba on Tuesday the tenth. He was greeted with posters "Fatchett go home" written on them.

At the press conference Mr. Fatchett has said that "there may be scope for third party mediation in resolving Sri Lanka's ethnic issue, but Britain has not received any invitation in this regard". He has further said that "Britain will be helpful if it can,but it does not believe in gate crashing into parties uninvited."

As Mr. Fatchett himself has described, his visit is strange indeed. (FATCHETT ARRIVES) Britain does not have to gatecrash into parties as she organises them. The whole party, if it may be called a party, was organised by the British and they are only acting in their capacity as the organiser. It is high time that the party is called off and the organiser asked to go home.