by Thilak S. Fernando

On Friday 30 April 99, at 6.30 p.m., in the Lecture Theatre of School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Square, Russell Square, London WC1, Prof. Seneka Bandaranayake, Sri Lankašs Ambassador to France will be delivering an illustrated Lecture on Ivan Peries, the renowned painter who was also a member of The Œ 43 Group of paintersš, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Prof. Bandaranayakešs Lecture is under the aegis of the Indian Arts Circle; Dept of Art and Archaeology, SOAS and it is being co-ordinated by Dr. Robert Skelton, the Former Keeper of the India Section at Victoria and at Albert Museum.

Prof. Seneka Bandaranake is Director General of the UNESCO funded Cultural Triangle Project and also Director of the Post Graduate Institute of Archaeology and Vice Chancellor of Kelaniya University.

Prof. Bandaranayakešs lecture which is an outstanding monograph on Ivan Peries is also part of the Celebration of the 90th Birthday of George Claessen who, together with Ivan Peries, is a founder of the 43 Group of painters, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Dr. Shamil Wanigaratne is also marking George Claessenšs 90th Birthday with a book on his life and work.

The Lecture is open to the public and admission is free