GL to brief US officials on govt. plans
Sept 10, 2012
External Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris will brief visiting United States Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake Jr. and the new US Ambassador to Sri Lanka Michele Sison this week.

Ms. Sison who arrived in the country last Friday will meet the Minister today to acquaint herself with the Sri Lankan situation and discuss matters of bi-lateral interest In her introductory statement carried on the US Embassy website, she states that she is a firm advocate of Civil Society and is concerned about environmental protection.

On Thursday (13) the Minister will meet Mr. Blake to discuss the progress on the implementation of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) action plan.

Mr. Blake is also expected to meet civil society representatives and business community leaders at the American Chamber of Commerce in Colombo, during his visit from the 12th to the 14th.

Additionally the Minister of External Affairs met former US Deputy Secretary of State, under the Bush Administration, Richard Lee Armitage last Friday and briefed him on the prevailing situation in the country and efforts of reconciliation.

These visits precede a visit by a team of “technical experts” from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Friday (14). The delegation heading to Sri Lanka is said to comprise Hanny Megally, Chief of the Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa branch and includes Oscar Solera from the Rule of Law Unit and Aswa Petra, Desk Officer for Sri Lanka.

“These visits from officials of the US and UN are welcomed by the government, we want them to come here and see all the work that we are doing. There is no need for us to hind anything that is happening locally. Hindering anyone from coming to the country, will only veil the good work that is being done here,” Prof. Peiris told the Daily Mirror.

Meanwhile the External Affairs Minister will also meet Secretary General of the Commonwealth Kamalesh Sharma today to discuss matters related to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to be held in Sri Lanka next year.

Source: Daily Mirror - Sri Lanka