Politics will bring monks into disrepute -mahanayake Thera
June 13, 2012
“Buddhist monks of today should shun politics, as involving themselves in politics would bring only insults and abuse. Without entering Parliament they could advise and mould the devotees while remaining in their temples, said the Venerable Udugama Sri Buddharakkhitha Thera, the Mahanayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter.

Delivering an anusasana on the occasion of the 700th. anniversary of the Asgiriya Maha Viharaya, the Ven. Thera said that by moulding the devotees without entering Parliament, the monks could be of immense service to the nation. Taking part in street protests or inciting people to strike were very unbecoming of the revered priesthood. The Sangha should always lead the people in the developmental activities of the country, and they could undoubtedly do this while remaining in the temples, he said.

He said that their sermons and exemplary lives could change the mindset of the people and thereby gain satisfaction as disciples of the Buddha.

The Venerable Mahnayake Thera also said the comments made by him would antagonise some people and they would send him abusive letters, but that he considered it his duty to be outspoken in this regard. Speaking on this historic occasion, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said that Buddhists never indulge in extremism. Buddhists never plunder the belongings of others. The best example was that religious places belonging to Hindus, Catholics and Islamists were located on land belonging to the Asgiriya Maha Viharaya. This itself proved that Buddhists were not inclined to grab things belonging to others, he said.

The Anunayake of the Malwatta Chapter, the Ven. Niyangoda Vijithasiri Thera, also delivered an anusasana.

Source: Daily Mirror - Sri Lanka