Crate laws back again from tomorrow: Ministry
Jan 14, 2011

The plastic crate law will come into force tomorrow after the lapse of one month's Presidential grace period since the massive protest campaigns that crippled the transportation of fruits and vegetables creating an overnight shortage and price hike.

The Trade Ministry said it would implement the law from Sunday following the lapse of a months' grace period. Although the Ministry previously announced eight vegetables would not come under the law providing a relief to the farmers and traders, the Ministry gazette notification on this was pending.

Furthermore the Ministry said it would launch raids on lorry transporters and urged them to use plastic, plywood or hardboard crates to transport fruits and vegetables.

The Ministry said it was wiling to sell crates on easy payment schemes or hire crates to transporters while it also provided loan facilities.

Meanwhile the traders' arriving at the economic centres islandwide can leave the crates behind and collect them from any of the economic centres elsewhere, the Ministry said. Besides it said most of these crates were stackable so they could keep it on the hood of the lorries.

The law aimed at reducing wastage in the transport of vegetables and fruits, came into effect twice earlier with a grace period until January 15 being allowed in December.

Source: Daily Mirror - Sri Lanka