Stamp Terrorism
Jan 12, 2011

Ever since the military defeat of the LTTE in May 2009, people obliviously thought it was the end of one of the world’s most ruthless terror outfits. Yet, the ghosts of terrorism have occasionally been emerging from various parts of the world in the form of Pro-tiger organizations that are paving the way to the reincarnation the deceased LTTE. Recently, the stamps reported to have been printed by the La Poste of France that bore the Eelam map and the images of slain LTTE leader Prabhakaran go to show that Vellamullivaikkal was not the final chapter of the LTTE blood-tales. Incidents of similar nature were subsequently reported from Canada and the UK, which Canada claimed fake while the latter’s response is yet to reach the Sri Lankan authorities. For once, Sri Lanka has exhibited its maturity in tackling issues of such nature that continue to be thrown its way after war. It is commendable the manner in which the government reacted to the incident and the way it dealt with the authorities of the respective countries.

At a juncture like this, Sri Lanka’s no-nonsense approach in dealing with the PRO-LTTE organizations, should not, at any rate, waver. The freedom enjoyed by these pro-tiger organizations abroad was often blamed on the government’s lacklustre counter measures at the diplomatic level; thanks to which ‘The Killing Fields’ had become the gospel truth and the ‘Lies Agreed Upon’ has become a lie. Therefore, it is crucial that the Sri Lankan diplomatic missions are consistent in its counter terrorism mechanisms at the international level so as not to leave space for the re-emergence of the LTTE.

Perhaps, the government’s role as a myth-buster through its reconciliation efforts can be the best answer for the cries raised by these groups. With the lack of attention paid for the grievances of the people in the north, the disappearances reported in the post war terrain, suppression of the dissent, and lack of enthusiasm in reaching to an agreement with the Tamil political parties, one might even say that the government has asked for half of the trouble that befalls Sri Lanka.

It may be true that these countries cannot find fault with pro-tiger activities, so long as they keep to their limits. Yet any country that comprehends the atrocities of terrorism and its lasting consequences on humanity should not directly or otherwise, support or promote a separatist cause nor should it take such cruelties in mere news value just because the blood was shed on a terrain other than theirs. Despite the public support these factions seem to gain, the LTTE is a banned organization that massacred thousands of innocent civilians in cold blood and abducted and militarized hundreds of children whose right to education and protection were blatantly violated.

Be it a stamp printed in limited numbers or a fund raising ticket sold in aid of the destitute citizenry of the north, not a penny of the so-called sympathy aid reaches them other than what is given by the government. If the diaspora is as genuine as it sounds, it should not be selling the agonies of post war north citizenry to thicken their Tiger pockets.

Source: Daily Mirror - Sri Lanka