Dissidents shun convention; vow to go independent
Jan 2, 2011

The JVP dissidents who boycotted the party's special convention yesterday said they would sever political links with the party henceforth, and pursue their new political journey based on leftist principles.

The party held its special convention yesterday to appoint a new set of office bearers expelling the dissidents who had now formed a new organization called the "Movement for People's Struggle (MPS)'. Addressing a news conference, PMS convener Chameera Koswatte who was earlier a JVP central committee member charged that yesterday's convention was a fraudulent attempt to capture the power of the party through maneuvering and manipulations.

"Members were informed of this convention only a few days ahead of the event. Members are occupied with various other work related to their professional or family lives. Then, it is difficult for them to attend this convention. It is crystal clear that this is a fraudulent attempt to capture the power of the party through maneuvering and manipulations," he said.

He said, "We realized that it is no longer possible for us to engage in politics with JVP leaders. Now, we have a political journey that is independent. We will choose it. We are certain that the party's full timers are mostly with us. "

PMS stalwart Pubudu Jayagoda who was in the politburo of the party said there was a longstanding struggle within the party for ideological changes, but the present set of office bearers of the party disregarded it.

As a result, he said all the dissident members demanded that a special convention be convened for the members to take decisions in this respect.

"Yet, the JVP leadership manipulated it. There were around 950 members in the list submitted to the Elections Commissioner. These were the members appointed at the convention held on February 10, 2011. We wanted the JVP to hold this convention with the participation of these 950 members. However the JVP leaders acted to include another 229 names to this list later. This is a deliberate attempt to change the composition of the membership in their favour. All these 229 members have been picked by the JVP leadership on personal grounds," he said.

Mr. Jayagoda said the party had chosen the Debarawewa venue deep South for the convention for obvious reasons. He charged that some members who were on their way to the convention had been blocked by some elements.

Source: Daily Mirror - Sri Lanka