Happy Birthday Mr President
By Janaka Alahapperuma
Nov 18, 2009
President Mahinda Rajapaksa celebrates his 64th birthday today (18th November) and the fourth anniversary in assuming office as Executive President the same day.

Many religious programmes are planned to celebrate and invoke blessings on the Head of State Island wide. Venerable Maha Sanga including Uduwe Dhammaloka thero chanted Seth Pirith at President’s House in the early hours of this morning to bless the President on his birthday.

‘Everybody should respect the President for leading the country towards historical victory over three decades long war against terrorism’ says the felicitation message issued by Anunayaka Thera of Malwatta chapter Ven.Niyangoda Vijithasiri Thera and all night Pirith Chanting ceremony will be held in Temple Trees tonight.

Representing other religious groups, Kurukkal of the Maha Badrakali Hindu Kovil, Rajagiriya Samy Kaly Kanagrathnathiravi said the President is the only leader who united all ethnic communities in the country as one nation. Blessing of the people goes to the President to continue his valuable service to the country said the Catholic priest Rev. Father Sarath Hettiarahchi. Chief incumbent of Colombo main Mosque Moulawi M.S.M.Kathleen pointed out that all Muslim community in the country will respect for the President who initiated Sri Lankan solidarity.

President also participated the special celebration organised by the ENT Clinic at Colombo General Hospital and distributed gifts to 64 twins to commemorate his 64th birthday this morning.

Born in 1945, President Rajapaksa was first elected to the Parliament in 1970 in the United Freedom Front Government led by Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayake. He was then the youngest member to enter the Sri Lanka Parliament. He was held several important cabinet ministries including the Labour Minister in the Peoples Alliance Government of 1994 and Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Minister from 1997. He served as Prime Minister of Sri Lanka from April 6, 2004 and was sworn in as the 6th Executive President for a six-year term on Nov 19, 2005.

Pix by: Nalin Hewapathirana and Chandana Perera