President Rajapaksa visits Nepal
By Janaka Alahapperuma
Oct 29, 2009
President Mahinda Rajapaksa visited Nepal for two day official tour today on 29th October.

President and Madam Shiranthi Rajapaksa were warmly welcomed by Ms.Sunetra Koirala Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nepal at the Tribuwan International Airport.

Welcome banners were displayed at Kathmandu City and people flocked to gether along the road to welcome Sri Lankan President. Sri Lankan delegation included Ministers Nimal Siripala De Silva, Rohitha Bogollagama Dr Mervin Silva and Additional Secretary to the President Mr.Gamini Senerath.

President Rajapaksa will hold bilateral discussions with Nepali President Dr Ram Baran Yadav and Prime Minister Madhav Kumar. He is also scheduled to visit Lumbini tomorrow to join the opening ceremony of the new Lumbini Buddhist Vihara building.

Pix: Sudath Silva