Detainees' relatives taken on picnic to south
Mar 27, 2010
Security Forces Headquarters, Jaffna with the noble intention of promoting reconciliation, goodwill and friendship facilitated 23 relatives of former LTTE cadres, now under rehabilitation at Welikanda, Senapura, Ratmalana and Boossa to visit them and interact with them.

52 Division in Jaffna on the instructions of Major General Mahinda Hathurusinghe, Commander, Security Forces, Jaffna picked up those relatives from Kodikamam and Ramavil Welfare Centers.

During this three day visit to the east and south, they were able to meet their relatives in the rehabilitation camps and inquired into their well-being. They were also given the opportunity to see several important religious and historic places in the South during this visit. The arrangement took place from 17th to 20th March 2010. All transport facilities, accommodation, meals and security during this visit has also been provided by the Army.

Courtesy: MoD