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  • Edward Ginger Visual Artist - Visual Art: sculpture,painting,printart recent art work by Sri Lankan born artist who lives in Australia. Other web site: (Added: 4-Oct-1998 Hits: 131)
  • EelamThugz® - We have tons of Tamil Movie Songs and Tamil Remixes in MP3 Format. So Come on In. (Added: 13-Apr-2000 Hits: 125)
  • Elane Cinemas - Tamil Movie theatre in Toronto, Canada (Added: 27-Sep-1999 Hits: 124)
  • - Business - Search - eMail - ! - Matara is situated at the southern corner of Sri Lank (Ceylon). This site gives Business, Search, Free email etc... (Added: 7-Aug-2003 Hits: 36)
  • FAKE WINNING LOTTERY TICKETS! - These are a great prank! Every ticket looks like a REAL $ 25,000 winner, the victim will be jumping for joy until they read the back of the ticket! (Added: 16-Sep-2002 Hits: 47)
  • Fame the Band Celebrates 30 years. - Sri Lankan Band in Europe - Fame the Band better known as SKAR to celebrate 30 years of music and show business. (Added: 12-Apr-2005 Hits: 0)
  • fametheduo - The Story of Fame The Band from Sri Lanka. (Added: 30-Mar-2000 Hits: 83)
  • Filming in Sri Lanka - Pioneer Film Production and Location Servicve company in Sri Lanka. Credits include "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom". (Added: 8-Dec-2004 Hits: 15)
  • Fusion @ the Lankan Cricket Festival 1999, UK - Fusion the alternative sub-event playin the best in R&B/HipHop/UK Garage/Ragga at the Lankan Cricket Festival 1999, UK.. Check the official site for full details (Added: 22-Mar-1999 Hits: 94)
  • Gallery Mimie - This Is a website for Sri Lanken Art Lovers. There are more than 250 paintings. Abstract, Semi Abstract Paintings (Added: 13-Sep-2002 Hits: 81)

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