rooming with the presidents daughter
Posted by inayath on November 07, 1997 at 18:07:59:
TOP TEN GOOD THINGS ABOUT ROOMING WITH THE PRESIDENTS DAUGHTER: 10. Bitchin' motorcade from history class to language lab. 9. She shows up with beer coasters hand-knit by Betsy Ross. 8. Your summer job next year: Ambassador to Belgium. 7. Secret Service guys always available to buy you beer. Or procure women. 6. Her care packages always include a tray of dad's "special" brownies. 5. You become fourth in line for presidency. 4. At some point, you find yourself playing "Quarters" with Ted Kennedy. 3. When ordering from Domino's, you can take advantage of the President's volume discount. 2. If you receive poor mark on test, you can have professor slapped around by Janet Reno. 1. Somehow, you're not so embarrassed about your own father.