My Boss.........................!
Posted by Tommy on July 17, 1997 at 03:32:07:
>?My Boss had a "stroke of genius" and it killed him. > >?My Boss recently fired a gay employee. He called it "canning the fruit". > >?My Boss is a famous inventor. He created "the fluke". > >?Whenever "it's" going to hit the fan, my Boss makes sure I'm right down >front. > >?I work in the company kitchen. My Boss said "If you ever drop food on the >floor, just put it in the microwave for a few seconds to kill the germs. >Then go ahead and put it on plates for the customers." > >?My Boss was complaining about how much time I used to take my wife to the >doctor for her leukemia treatments. He said "You're making too much of >this. We are all going to die sometime. Make sure your career doesn't die >first." > >?We recently moved into a new building that didn't have enough space for >our cubicles. I was told my cubicle wouldn't be ready until after the Fire >Marshall had inspected the building. Then we could erect my cubicle in >front of the fire exit. > >?My Boss has written a series of management books. The titles are: >Career Paths that Stifle the Optimistic Employee >Writing Recommendation Letters that Stink >How To Torture An Employee Before The Lay-Off >Kicking Techniques For Employees You've Beaten Unconscious > >?My Boss said "Managing a department is not hard. Give the impossible >projects to employees you hate. If it doesn't work you can fire them, >that's always a joy. If it does work, you're a motivational genius and you >get a hefty bonus. Could life get better?" > >?My Boss has been mentoring young talent for years. "Lucifer" was his first >management trainee. > >?By the time my Boss needed to "circle the wagons", he didn't have enough >allies to form a circle. > >?After confronting my Boss about the tension between us, he said "The >problem is that there's a problem." > >?My Boss was very creative, but she lost her plug and now everything >escapes through that gaping hole in her head. > >?My "Purchase Request" was ridiculed because it didn't follow the >guidelines my Boss was planning to publish tomorrow. > >?When Bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking >about themselves > >?On our way to lunch my Boss offered to drive. I said "Is that wise?" She >said "Of course it is. My license is still good, it just expired." > >?After reviewing the research preliminary results, my Boss said "I know the >data doesn't say what we want, yet. That's why its called raw data." > >?I needed two days off but I had no vacation time left. When I offered to >work extras hours to offset this time my Boss said "Absolutely not. You are >salaried and expected to work extra hours. How would I distinguish between >the extra hours you are expected to work and the extra hours you want to >work?" > >?I told my Boss I dreamed about running the company one day. He said >"That's a manager's dream. Why did you have it?" > >?I asked my Boss for advice. He gave me a lethal dose of cynicism, mistrust >and deception. > >?My Boss recently met with a group of MBA's and was appalled at how proud >they were for attending B-schools. She later said "I wouldn't act so cocky >if my school was rated B". > >?My Boss thinks "shareware" is a chic reference to "hand-me-down" clothes. > >?My Boss to MIS technician: "Remember, I'm just a novice at computers. I >want to take it slow. When you pick my programs, make sure you get >software. I don't think I'm ready for hardware, yet." > >?My Boss at early morning coffee: "I don't understand what the problem is >at AOL. Can't they get call waiting". > >?My Boss decided he'd rather be called "King" than President of the >company. As a result, he's now "The Royal Hiney". > >?My Boss has had a stellar career in computers. She mastered the "Mega >Bite" as a management trainee. > >?My Boss refuses to use a computer. She frequently quips "I don't do >windows". > >?Along with the Internet service providers, my company just announced a >"flat rate plan" for its employees. Regardless of how much time you spend >at work, you'll get the same flat rate. Guaranteed! > >?My Boss calls our one Black employee "Otis" even though that ISN'T his >name. > >?Note from my Boss. In the future please proofread your work. I've noticed >it's full of errorrs." > >?My Boss to other team member: "Look, I put you on my team to share your >ideas, not the recognition." > >?My Boss, useless for years, is one of the few remaining signs of corporate >welfare. > >?Doctor to my Boss: "Sorry, but "withdrawal" does not qualify as a disease >that can be legally treated with marijuana." > >?Prayer may not be appropriate at school, but at my job all we do is pray, >pray, pray the sales come marching in. > >?My Boss has an extremely good memory. That's because no space is allocated >for thought. > >?My Boss recently laid off a large group of MTV-age employees. Since then >he's been known as the "The MC of Misery". > >?We recently re-organized at work and added another group to our MIS >department. Now accounting is MIS-managed too! > >?I never had a husband because I was married to my work. Now, after 25 >years some stranger tells me to expect "an involuntary separation without >support payments." > >?The Management Committee was scheduled to meet next month to vote on a new >benefits package. Before the meeting I cornered my Boss about his lack of >interest in the opinions of his employees. He said "This benefits decision >is a lot like a political election, if you can't vote you don't count. You >can't vote." > >?In a very somber meeting of the department heads, my Boss turns to me and >says "Isn't this layoff program really GREAT." > >?I used the reply function on my e-mail program to respond to a message >from my Boss. Shortly after she got it, she called me. She said "You must >come over right now and show me how to re-cycle e-mail messages." > >?My Boss says she's too busy for training on her new computer. To save time >she took the tutorial CD with her so she could listen to it in the car. > >?Facial hair is not the norm in my office, but I wanted a mustache. Shortly >after it started to grow my Boss asked me to cut it off. I said I would cut >off mine if she agreed to cut off hers. > >?My Boss knows every fact in the world, except that he is an insufferable >jerk. > >?I called my Boss to set-up a meeting to discuss my career. He said "You >don't have a career. You have a job, just do it." > >?Our Executive Committee recently voted unanimously to abolish the Ethics >Committee. > >?My Boss is the manager for a book superstore. Recently, at a large >employee gathering, he bragged about all the books he had read. One of his >favorites was Gulliver's Travels by Oliver Twist. > >?My Boss said "I know we all worked on this together and we voted on the >most appropriate outcome. However, I feel I have a greater sense of >ownership for this program and therefore I made the final decision for the >group." > >?Boss to employee: I see you are familiar with the "My Boss" web site and >you are drinking from a "My Boss" coffee cup. Are you trying to make some >special statement today? >Employee: No, I use this coffee cup EVERY day. > >?After watching my Boss at work, I'm certain somewhere in this world, there >is a village missing its idiot. > >?At my job you are assigned a Boss and a mentor. Since I didn't have a >mentor yet, I asked my Boss if he would by mine. He said "It could hurt my >chances for advancement if people thought I was your mentor." > >?At the end of a long quality speech, my Boss said "We must pay great >attention to every detail. Let's take a break and meet again tomorrow at 9 >o'clock in the afternoon. > >?My Boss thinks "megahertz" is an extremely large car rental place at the >airport. > >?It was Saturday and my Boss was in the office. He called me at home to >complain about the foot pedal on his computer. For some reason it wasn't >working properly. I told him to move the foot pedal to his desk and put it >on the pad next to the keyboard and roll it around. He said "Oh, this foot >pedal is really versatile, isn't it?" > >?My Boss said "I don't want to ram-rod this decision down your throat, but >open wide, please." > >?My Boss doesn't answer the phone when it rings. He says "Important people >are busy and I'm important." > >?My Boss is very fat and very critical. Recently she said "You will never >become Mr. Olympia unless you set that as your goal. I turned to her and >said "Any exercise at all can be an admirable goal." > >?Quote from my Boss "Why is a win-win strategy important? Doesn't that mean >I get less?" > >?My first child just started infant day care and I am a single parent. It >is very important that I get to the day care on time, otherwise they levy >very heavy late fees. After only 1 month of this new routine, my Boss of >ten years put an "employee notice" in my file reprimanding me for being a >"clock watcher". > >?Boss to employee "Look, if one plus one was always two, you wouldn't need >managers like me." > >?After an hour of very frustrating technical discussions, which my Boss >obviously didn't understand, we took a break. As he stood up, my Boss said >"It would be a lot easier for me if you guys wouldn't talk "geek-onics". > >?Have you seen Fox TV's latest hit series. It's Beavis and My Boss. > >?Comments in an exit interview: "You know, I'm sorry that you quit. I >really wanted to fire you". > >?Comment from my Boss during my performance evaluation: "Once in my career >I didn't get along with my Boss either. BUT when he told me how it was >affecting my performance, I immediately did a 360 degree turnaround. I >expect the same from you." > >?My Boss has mentored my career into his Vice Presidency. > >?I thought my Boss was reading a computer manual until I got closer and I >could read the fine print. The book title read: "A User's Guide, Management >Principles for Success. > >?My Boss refuses to put a computer in her office -- until they're available >in pastel colors. > >?Why did the chicken cross the road? Because his Boss did!! > >?Inspiring words from the Boss: "I encourage you to take chances in your >research and development work, BUT don't risk my Bonus on some pipe dream." > > >?Yesterday, my Boss asked "What role did Mr. U. R. El play in the early >development of the Internet. I can't find any reference to him in the >literature." > >?When I called in sick, my Boss said "Well, if you already threw up, you >must be feeling better. What time should I expect you?" > >?Instructions from the Boss: "We have four, 15 inch computer monitors in >storage. I want you to get the biggest one and put it in my office." > >?Comments during a business review meeting: "Look, we have a monopoly in >that territory. Customer service isn't that important. Let them complain." > >?The design team was frustrated with their lack of progress and lack of >direction from upper management. In response my Boss said "It's not >important if you know what you're doing as long as you know you did >something." > >?I was the manager of an extremely understaffed print shop. Everyone was >going nuts trying to get the work done. Finally, my corporate Boss called >and said he would be coming in for a week. I said "Great, what will you be >doing? Bindery? Delivery? Running the press?" His reply was "No, I'm not >coming to do any of those things. I'm coming to figure out why the work is >not getting done." > >?In a meeting of the technical department, I told my Boss that one of our >users was not on the network. Immediately he said "But I sent her an e-mail >message. Oh, I guess she won't get it then, huh?" > >?We work in a major industrial plant and my Boss wanted a first aid kit. >When he got the bill for $25 he said "I sure hope the union appreciates >what lengths we go to for our employees." > >?My Boss asked "If I get extra memory in my computer, does that mean I >wouldn't have to save documents anymore?" > >?Boss to new employee: "Haven't you worked for me before?" >Employee: "No. That knife in my back belongs to my last Boss." > >?My Boss was sure he was going to get laid off, so he went and "told off" >his Boss. He got fired instead. (No severance package.) > >?Comments during performance review: "You have done many things to annoy me >this year, but I'm not going to tell you about the things I can't >remember." > >?My Boss suffers from a career ending illness. He is light-headed. > >?Performance feedback from my Boss: "You are not getting the top rating >because you have problems dealing with people who are known to be hard to >work with." > >?My Boss' comment during a heated discussion: "You're entitled to your >opinion, BUT you're not free to express it here." > >?My Boss insists that I use the title "Projects Manager" as opposed to the >grammatically correct title "Project Manager." My Boss thinks potential >clients may think we only have one project. > >?Instructions from my Boss: "I want your comments both orally and >verbally." > >?When my first merit raise was approved, my Boss shouted to me from across >the room, in front of three co-workers. He said the $1500/year increase was >all he could finagle from his Boss. > >?Comment shouted across the room by the office manager. "When we hired you, >there were lots of more qualified shipping clerks, but we didn't hire them >because they were women". > >?My Boss left me a voice mail message suggesting I read her e-mail message. >The e-mail message was an instruction to come up to her office. When I >arrived at her office, she gave me the time and place for a future meeting. >Why didn't she just say that in her messages? > >?My faithful dog of 15 years died last year and I took her to the vet to be >cremated. After the cremation I went to work. When my Boss saw me he said >"Couldn't you have buried that thing in the backyard?!" > >?Once I went to my Boss and told him I had a serious problem. He said, "You >don't have a problem, you have an OPPORTUNITY!" I thought about it a second >and then said, "You're right. If you don't solve my problem, I will have >the OPPORTUNITY to slap you upside the head." > >?My Boss took an IQ test and the results were negative. > >?My Boss, the senior VP of Sales, called me into his office one day and >asked me to locate his "turkey neck". "What" I said. He replied, "You know >that thing that connects your computer to the network". Oh, the "TOKEN >RING" I said. "Turkey neck, token ring -- just find it." > >?My Boss thinks "RAM disk" is an installation procedure. > >?A group of employees at my office were clustered around the coffee bar >eating cake. My Boss told everyone who walked up, "This cake is better than >sex." After the third or fourth time this happened in less than a minute >one of the more senior employees said: "Would that be sex with you ?" > >?My Boss asked me to write a letter for him. I presented a draft copy for >his review, every sentence of which he marked-up with red ink. After >watching this, I asked, "What did you think of the fonts?". > >?My Boss's Ph.D. dissertation was being funded by the company. Because he >is essentially incompetent, he asked me to perform the calculations that >were the core of his thesis. When I refused he got another subordinate to >do the calculations - BUT he convinced the company to stop funding my >Ph.D.. > >?The company announced that on December 18 they would issue the "perfect >attendance" checks for 1996. However, if anyone who received a check missed >any of the days between the 18th and the end of the year, this would make >them ineligible for the reward and they would have to return the money to >the company. (The big question in all this -- why not wait until January >1997 to make the "perfect attendance" awards for 1996.) > >Two rules from the "Top Ten Rules of Project Management": > >?If a subordinate asks you a pertinent and difficult question, look at him >as if he has lost his senses. When he looks down, paraphrase the question >back at him. (Smirk intently.) > >?Listen intently while others are arguing the problem. Pounce on a trite >statement and bury them with it. > >?Recently my Boss said," I know Rome wasn't built in a day, but I wasn't >the Foreman on that job" > >?Always remember the unofficial work motto: The reward for a job well done >is ... no punishment. > >?The other day I asked my new Boss for the day off, he said "Sure, you >don't look too important." > >?In a recent mentoring meeting my Boss said "Lying is a fundamental >business tool like Marketing or Finance. Learn to lie and it will serve you >well". > >?What do you do with a co-worker who is rude, lazy and incompetent? Answer: >Treat them with respect. Soon they will be the Boss. > >?My Boss hung this sign in each stall in the employee bathroom: While you >are doing something for yourself on my time, think of something you can do >for me on your time. > >?My Boss lost his temper the other day. Now he has no emotion. > >?As a group we complained to our Boss about the long hours and tedious >work. He said "If work was fun, it would be free. > >?Boss to employee: "Even though our dress has gone casual, you must still >refer to me as Mister". > >?My Boss recently ordered a computer with a fax/modem. After it arrived, he >called me into his office to find the paper slot for faxing. > >?Our company recently set up two computer help lines. One for basic >questions and the other for advanced questions. My Boss, who is completely >computer illiterate, said "How does one know if their question is basic or >advanced?" The MIS director said "If you can't program your VCR, call the >basic help line". > >?My Boss forced me to put Netscape on his modem-less laptop, so that he >could surf the 'Net during his layovers at the airport. > >?My Boss requires applicants to take drug, AIDS and VD tests to qualify for >his secretarial positions. I wonder why? > >?When I was managing a very large clothing store, my Boss restructured the >commission plan so the employees would earn 3% less. She told me I needed >to SELL the idea to the staff. > >?To improve morale my Boss suggested a weekend team building retreat for >the department. Frankly, the thought of spending my weekend with the Boss >and doing touchy, feely exercises, added depression to what was merely a >case of job dissatisfaction. > >?If my Boss was a super hero, he'd be Polyester Man. > >?My Boss recently fired the advertising agency my company has used for the >last 10 years. A new account executive asked her when she was "due". She's >not pregnant. > >?Comment from CEO: "Advancement in this company is based entirely on merit. >Its been that way since my grandfather bought the company." > >?My Boss thinks raising his voice improves the strength of his argument. > >?On his first trip overseas, my Boss assumed "Business Class" applied to >him because he was "a member of management". > >?My Boss thinks an "extended" keyboard is for someone with "big" hands. > >?I know you didn't write the business plan, but I need a co-author in case >management rejects it. > >?In response to recent complaints of favoritism, my Boss says "Fairness is >applied in a fashion that I deem fair." > >?Excerpt from Boss' speech at awards dinner "Bonuses in my department are >rewarded to team players who have demonstrated an appreciation for my >leadership." > >?Comment from the Boss after a few pointed questions: "Your skepticism >reflects a distrust for my management skills." > >?"As my last parting comment in this interview, you should never dress >better than you boss. It shows you're not observant." > >?My Boss called me into his office to complain because he couldn't connect >his Sony (audio) CD player to his computer and run his CD software. I said >"Oh, only the Panasonic CD will do that." > >?My Boss does the work of three men: Larry, Moe, and Curly. > >?A co-worker died in a gruesome car accident at 11:00 AM. At 1 PM my Boss >was taking things from the dead man's office to improve the appearance of >his own. > >?After finishing a computerized report for one of our managers, our >programming group received this response: "That's what I asked for, but >it's not what I want." > >?The plant manager came up to me one day and asked "How much do you think >the plant weighs??" I said "With or without the plant manager?" > >?It was very apparent that I had not fully recovered from my bout with the >flu when my Boss came by my desk. He said "Oh, still got the flu. I was >only sick for two days, I guess I'm stronger than you" !!! >