Miss World Contest.....final question..... Posted by Alfred F Seneviratne on 10/18/2010
The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling! And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it!!! Question: Ms America, how do you describe a male organ in your country? Ms America: Well, I can say that male organs in America are like gentlemen. Question: How can you say so? Ms America: Because it stands every time it sees a woman... (Applause! Applause!) Question: Ms Spain, how do you describe a male organ in your country? Ms Spain: Male organs in our country are like our very own Bullfight or Toro(Bull). Question: How can you say so? Ms Spain: Because it charges every time it sees an opening. Applause! Applause!) Question: Ms Philippines, how do you describe a male organ in your country? Ms Philippines : Well, I can say that male organs in our country are like gossip or rumors. Question: How can you say so? Ms Philippines : Because it passes from mouth to mouth. Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause!) Question: Ms Iran, how do you describe a male organ in your country? Ms Iran: Well, I can say that male organs in Iran are like thieves. Question: How can you say so? Ms Iran: Because they like to enter through the back door. Applause! Applause! Laughter! Laughter!) Question: Ms India, how do you describe a male organ in your country? Ms India: Well, I can say the male organs in India are like labourers. Question: How can you say so? Ms India: Because it works day and night....... Applause! Applause! Applause!) Question: Ms Sri Lanka, how do you describe a male organ in your country? Ms Sri Lanka: Well, I can say that male organ in Sri Lanka is like the Parliament. It gets excited from time to time, and is only concerned with its own needs, so the country gets screwed. Applause! Applause! Laughter! Applause! ( Standing Ovation!) HOW VERY TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!