A LOVELY Bedtime Story
Posted by Tommy on June 07, 1997 at 12:13:34:
> Everything was rather quiet in the hundred acre wood. The trees whispered > to each other as the wind rustled their leaves. Under a large oak tree, > there lived Pooh bear. From inside Pooh's house, there came a steady > bang...bang... bang!, that was making his honey jars rattle on the > sideboard. The light came through the window, and in the evening sun Pooh > raised the axe once more and brought it down on the tattered remains of > Christopher Robin. "Why...won't... he...fit..." puffed Pooh to himself as > the axe came down once more. There was a small pile of earth, and a hole > next to it, which Pooh had hidden with his favourite rug. Christopher > Robin, selfish prat that he was, didn't quite fit in the hole Pooh had > dug, so instead of making it wider he had decided to hack Christopher > Robin's legs off. "A far more sensible idea", thought Pooh, and hummed a > little song to himself as he cut the last tendon and rammed the rest of > the body in the hole, finally covering it up with the rug. "Always too > bossy", thought Pooh, "Always too bossy, always grabbing me by the paw > and saying 'Come on Pooh lets have an adventure' or 'Pooh you are silly!' > in that affected cutesy spoilt brat voice, and his stupid little shorts - > bastard!" > Pooh had waited all afternoon for Christopher Robin to come round, > humming a little tuneless song to himself whilst gazing blankly into the > fire and fondling the oaken handle of the axe. When C.R. had finally > turned up, squeaking in his child-actor voice "Come on Pooh! Open Up!", > Pooh had answered the door normal as anything, talked about the weather, > and then went to the cupboard and fetched the axe. While C.R. had sat > there, prattling on about what a silly bear Pooh was and how he had very > little brain (which wound Pooh up no end) Pooh had raised the axe high > and brought it down with a satisfying thud on Christopher Robin's skull, > cleaving it virtually in two, with just some muscle fibre in place to > keep the pieces upright, and freezing C.R's eyes wide in horror that > Pooh, lovable Pooh, could do such a thing! Pooh giggled a little and > wiped some saliva from his mouth with a shaky paw. Then Pooh, calm as > anything, had mopped up the blood, washed the axe and begun to dig the > hole. > Piglet had wondered why Pooh had not called for him that morning, to have > his tea and biscuits, and so he decided to visit Pooh instead. He admired > the evening sun, blood red, and listened to the birds singing. Pooh > watched him get nearer and nearer, and plugged in the drill. > Piglet had no time to realise what had happened - the drill pierced his > skull, sending a beautiful fountain of blood all over Pooh's orange hide. > He rubbed the blood in and all over himself, licking, licking, always > licking. Then he pulled Piglet inside and put him in the cupboard. The > syringe lay on the sideboard, and Pooh picked it up, paws shaking and > sweating, and filled it full of solution of the funny white powder that > had been given to him by a strangely spaced-out Rabbit. It was a strange > effect at first, and Pooh thought he had seen many strange things, but > then experienced a euphoric feeling of power. It made him irritable, and > C.R. and Piglet had everything that was coming to them, no doubt at p no > end) Pooh had raised the axe high angged the bodies out and buried them > in a makeshift grave. > "Adios, dear 'friends'", Pooh giggled, "Things are going to change around > the 100-acre wood now I'm in charge" he laughed hysterically and went > indoors. > The next day Tigger and Roo made their way happily to Pooh's house, to see > if he knew where C.R. and Piglet were, as no-one had seen them since > yesterday. They were sure Pooh would know, as he had had tea with Piglet > yesterday and was meant to be playing Pooh-sticks with C.R. in the > morning. > When they reached Pooh's house the door was wide open and Pooh was nowhere > to be seen. Tigger and Roo looked inside Pooh's house and noticed a large > hole in Pooh's floor and a notice was stuck on the wall with a large blob > of congealing honey "OWT CHAGIG THE DRAGGN" (spelling had never been one > of Pooh's strong points). "That's odd", though Tigger, "there are no > dragons in the 100-acre wood only heffalumps. What _is_ that silly bear > up to now?" > Not even Tigger would have imagined what Pooh was up to at that moment. > That morning Pooh had woken with a splitting headache and a rather snotty > nose. So he had taken a large dose of the white powder and a little while > later had a brilliant idea! He left the house with a container marked > INSECTICIDE in big red letters. He took the container and went to Eeyor's > favourite patch of thistles. > "This will serve that manic depressive donkey right" laughed Pooh aloud, > "always cheating at Pooh-sticks, cheats never prosper", Pooh said to > himself. Then he hid behind a tree to watch the unsuspecting Eeyor eat > himself to death - sheer poetic justice thought Pooh as he dumped the > nearly dead body of Eeyor in the same grave as C.R. and Piglet - > "Shouldn't cheat should you?", shouted Pooh as Eeyor's eyes stared with > disbelief - "You're lucky I didn't chop you up into little bits and feed > you to Tigger!", laughed Pooh manically, before he covered the makeshift > grave over. > Pooh didn't return to the house until dinner time as he was totally > spaced out all morning. So when he returned to his house he was in an > awful mood and all he needed to make him absolutely mad was the sight of > Tigger and Roo bouncing up and down outside his house singing "bouncy, > bouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, the wonderful....". "'Wonderful'?", > thought Pooh aloud, "My foot, you'd think the writer of this shitty story > could think up better lyrics for a song than that, and to think, they > released the soundtrack album on cassette and CD; a lot of people are > going to get ripped off." This lightened Pooh's mood somewhat, but the > respite was brief. > "What was that you said?", asked Roo. "God does he never stop asking > pathetic questions?", Pooh thought furiously, "I'm going to have to deal > with these prats as well. Is there no-one in this place with intelligence > apart from me?" Pooh asked despairingly." > Pooh felt himself extremely lucky as Roo had to go home for his afternoon > sleep and that left Tigger at his mercy. Even better, Tigger suggested > that himself and Pooh go and play Pooh-sticks; Pooh had smiled slyly as > an idea formed in his overactive brain, and agreed - "What an > opportunity", Pooh whispered to himself as he followed the innocent > Tigger to the bridge. > Once on the bridge, and the rather pointless game of Pooh-sticks was under > way, Pooh thought he'd much rather push his stick up Tigger's arse, rather > than throwing it into the stream. Tigger was leaning over the side of the > bridge looking for his stick. So he did not see Pooh's wide horrific grin > as he outstretched his arms and moved toward Tigger with the intent of > pushing the stupid cat into the stream - "Cats hate water, tee hee, he'll > drown." > > There was a loud splash as Tigger hit the water and started to struggle > as his head was covered by water, he gulped and choked. Pooh was holding > on to the rail of the bridge and jumping up and down with excitement and > was joyously shouting at the drowning Tigger. > > "Why?", spluttered Tigger as he slowly started to turn blue with the cold, > which Pooh found hysterical, after all a blue Tigger?? How absolutely > silly. "I'll tell you why you bastard", screamed Pooh, "It serves you > right, hiding behind doors and jumping out, and scaring the shit out of > people." But Tigger did not hear Pooh's answer as he was already floating > downstream face down in the water, dead - "Good riddance", laughed Pooh, > and looked at his watch, "Still time to get that little dick head Roo > before he wakes up." > Pooh sneaked to the sleeping form of Roo's mum and saw Roo's ear poking > out of her pouch - "Now I've got you, you little git", Pooh thought, > smiling, as he threaded a needle with extra strong cotton. He was jolly > grateful for Piglet's sewing lessons now, because he would be able to sew > up Roo nice and tightly, so he would not be able to get out and his mum > would not be able to rescue him. So very slowly and carefully Pooh began > to sew Roo into his pouch and thereby suffocating the annoying idiotic > twit. After the deed was done Pooh made his way back to his house > wondering how Roo's mum would take the death of Roo. Badly, hoped Pooh, > as he began to cough uncontrollably and felt general nausea overcome him. > By the time Pooh got home he had puked up several times and was very > desperate for some more of the white solution. He trembled as he picked > up the syringe and gave himself the remaining amount. An awfully large > amount, one might say, for a small little bear like Pooh. In fact too > much, Pooh died of an overdose, but he died with a smile on his face: he > was dreaming that he was the only teddy bear made with a willy and > dreamed how he surprised Eeyor one day - but that's a story for another > day. >