Warning : Don't laugh too much...
Posted by Indu on May 25, 1997 at 07:49:10:
Dear Friends, I hope the following article will be helpful for all the joke readers....which was published in Sunday 25th May 1997, The Island newspaper ( in Sri Lanka : http://www.upali.lk/island/ ). Thanks.. Indu. ----- He laughed at his own joke and found it not funny! ==================================
A young worker in a wire factory at Dompe had to be rushed to hospital when co-workers in the factory found he could not control the fits of laughter he broke into following his own narration of a funny story to one of his colleagues while working last week. The story, they say is funny enough to cause laughter to his friend. But what wasn't funny for others, was that the man could not stop laughing, for he went on giggling and giggling non stop. All his colleagues had realized by then it was no laughing matter. Thereafter they got their friend loaded into a factory vehicle and rushed him to the Dompe hospital. So the convulsion continued on the wheels also and later in the hospital as well. The doctor who attended on him soon induced insensibility by administering anaesthesia. He rocked back to consciousness roaring with laughter to the disappointment of all concerned. The man was immediately despatched to the Colombo National Hospital where he was treated for three days before he returned home fully recovered. He exercises great caution now to avoid saying or doing anything that is funny one causes laughter. He is so careful now, his friends say, he doesn't even smile with them! (Dompe Corr)