nugget baby
Posted by mehboob on 9/03/2001:
In a South American mining district Mrs. Brown presented her husband with a 12 pound baby boy. Mr. Brown was so delighted that he went to the News office and told that he had found a 12 pound nugget of gold as good as any to be found in South America. The paper, naturally, sent a reporter to get particulars. This is what happened: Reporter: Does Mr. Brown live here? Mrs.Brown: He does. Reporter: Is he in? Mrs.Brown: No he isn't. Reporter: I understand he found a nugget of gold weighing 12 pounds. Mrs.Brown: (Seeing the joke) Yes. Reporter: Can you show me the exact location where it was found? Mrs.Brown: I'm afraid Mr. Brown would object as it is private. Reporter: Is the hole far from here? Mrs.Brown: No, it is quite handy. Reporter: Has Mr. Brown been working the claim long? Mrs.Brown: Almost ten months. Reporter: Was Mr. Brown the first to work it? Mrs.Brown: He thought he was. Reporter: Was the work difficult? Mrs.Brown: It was at first but easier after the shaft opened. Reporter: Is the water plentiful? Mrs.Brown: Yes, sufficient to carry on the work. Reporter: Has he gotten to the bottom yet? Mrs.Brown: No, but quite near it. Reporter: Do you think there are any more nuggets? Mrs.Brown: Yes, if the claim is properly worked. Reporter: Has he worked it since he found the nugget? Mrs.Brown: No, but I told him it was time to start. Reporter: Do you help him? Mrs.Brown: I do my level best. Reporter: Do you think he will sell the claim? Mrs.Brown: No, he finds too much pleasure in working it himself. Reporter: Can I see the nugget? Mrs.Brown: Certainly. She brought the baby in for inspection. The embarrassed reporter departed very quickly.