sardar Indian Airlines flight 502
Posted by Surashmin on November 11, 1999 at 10:52:34:

An Indian airline flight with two Sardarji pilots approaches Washington airport.
The pilot asks for permission to land.
The control tower says "Indian airlines flight 312 cleared for landing".
AS the Sardarji pilots approach the runway and about to touch down, the pilot says "PULL UP PULL UP"
the pilots turn around the aircraft for another try to land.
As the Sardarji pilots are about to touch down the plane, again the pilot says "PULL UP PULL UP"
the pilots go for another try to land.
AS they are about to touch down again he says "PULL UP PULL UP".
The pilot calls the control tower and says "America, such a civilized place but look how short the runway is"
The co-pilot then says "yes yes very true, but most of all LOOK HOW WIDE IT IS"!!!!!!

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