Title to the Property
Posted by Bal Vallah on November 16, 1998 at 08:17:15:

Some years ago, a New Orleans lawyer sought a direct Veterans Administration loan for a client. He
was told that the loan would be approved if he could provide proof of clear title to the property
offered as collateral. The title for the property in question was complicated and he spent a
considerable amount of time reviewing all pertinent documents back to 1803. Satisfied with the depth
and expanse of his examination, he submitted the information to the VA.

He soon received a reply from the VA.

"We received your letter today enclosing application for a loan for your client, supported by
abstract of title. The application forms are complete, but you have not cleared the title before the
year 1803. Therefore, before full review and possible approval can a be accorded the application, it
will be necessary that the title be cleared back before that year."

Annoyed, the lawyer wrote the V.A.

"Your letter regarding titles in case #9378329 received. I note that you wish titles extended further
back than I have presented. Your attention is invited to the following information to update your
records for the property prior to 1803.

(a)- I was unaware that any educated person would not know that the United States gained clear
title to Louisiana from France in 1803. This title transfer was a result of a real estate
transaction known as The Louisiana Purchase.

(b)- France gained clear title to Louisiana by right of conquest from Spain under the Treaty of
San Ildefonso (1800).

(c)- The land came into the possession of Spain by right of discovery in 1492 by a sailor named
Christopher Columbus. He was acting on behalf of Isabella, Queen of Spain, and had her
permission to claim newly discovered lands for Spain.

(d)- The good Queen, being a pious woman and careful about titles - almost as careful as the
V.A. - took the precaution of securing the blessing of the Pope before authorizing the voyage.

(e)- The Pope is a servant of God; God created the world.

(f)- Therefore, I believe that it is safe to presume that God created title that part of the
world called Louisiana and thus was the original holder of the property in question.

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