Lid off of the Jar
Posted by Tommy on March 19, 1997 at 19:44:37:
An elderly couple was discussing their general health when the wife got the idea that her husband should go in to the doctor to get a sperm count since that was a test that was not done when he had taken his last physical. He thought it was silly, especially at his advanced years. But to keep peace it the house he finally agreed to do it. On the appointed day, he and his wife went to the clinic and told the doctor that they wanted to have a sperm count done. The doctor thought it was unnecessary also, but since it was a slow day and they were willing to pay full price for the test, the doctor agreed to perform the analysis. "Well old timer" the doctor said, "I'll need for you to give me a specimen. Take this specimen jar and go into the restroom." The old man, a little embarrassed, did as he was told. First he tried with his right hand. Then he tried with his left hand. then he tried with both hands. He even tried banging it on the wall.....No luck so hecalled his wife for help."Look" he said, "this was your idea so you are going to have to help me". So she tried, first her right hand, then with her left hand, then she banged it against the edge of the table with no success. Finally nearing exhaustion they staggered into the hallway and O told the doctor, "It's no use we can't get the lid off of this Jar"
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