Superman and Spiderman
Posted by Martin on February 28, 1998 at 11:29:31:
Superman and Spiderman Superman and Spiderman are standing at a bar, Superman is looking a bit down, - What's the matter? asks Spiderman. - Well to tell you the truth, I haven't had "IT" for months and it's really getting to me, comes the reply. - It's funny you should say that, on the way here I was swinging past Wonder Womans flat and she was lying on her bed in the altogether with her legs akimbo says Spiderman with a grin... - What do you mean? asks Superman - Well with your powers you could dive in, do the business and be out before she knows what hit her Spiderman replies. - OK I'll do it........ Off he goes to Wonder Womans flat and sure enough she's still lying on her bed as if waiting for something!! He shoots through the window, does the job and flys back to the bar. - Bloody hell says Wonder Woman, what was that? - I don't know - but my arse is in pieces replied the Invisible Man